xerpi / ds4vita

Use a DS4 on your PSVita
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Remote play issues #10

Open SESKU-Ryez opened 7 years ago

SESKU-Ryez commented 7 years ago

The r1 and l1 and doing the same as R2 and L2 when remote playing the PS4 on vita can this be fixed amamzing work brilliant job!

SESKU-Ryez commented 7 years ago

R1 and L1 do same commands as R2 and L2 on remote play on vita

parkerlreed commented 7 years ago

Yes this is as designed. Since the Vita doesnt have a physical L2/R2, both L and R sets are mapped to the same button. There may or may not be a way to implement this for remote play.

SESKU-Ryez commented 7 years ago

Can it not be mapped to to the left top rear touch pad to L2 and right rear touch pad to R2 like whats been down with the touch pad on DS4 pad im only asking as its hard to remote play and this would make it perfect fingers crossed but brilliant work and appicate what you have achived its ace.

xerpi commented 7 years ago

Can you try this version? https://github.com/xerpi/ds4vita/releases/tag/1.1