xerpi / ds4vita

Use a DS4 on your PSVita
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Analog left error in some games. #39

Open Serhi0 opened 5 years ago

Serhi0 commented 5 years ago

For example:

in the game Spelunky, the left joystick does not work correctly the "right direction" and the "up direction". However on the D-pad it works perfectly.

In the Gravity Rush game, the left analog using circle turns is not smooth, it is as if it had only 4 directions of movement.

ossay78 commented 5 years ago

ds4vita v1.2 Omega Labyrinth also had this issue: left analog joystick can only move in 4 directions (up/down/left/right).

while in Neptunia Unleash U, the left analog joystick make the character cannot walk/run correctly (choppy,lagging movement).

xerpi commented 5 years ago

Can you try with this version? https://www.google.es/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/vitahacks/comments/90z2ey/testers_needed_experimental_ds4vita_version/

Serhi0 commented 5 years ago

After trying the new version:

Spelunky: That improved. Left analog joystick can move in 4 directions (up / down / left / right). But the bad thing is that only in 4 directions.

Gravity Rush: Remains the same, left analog joystick only can move in 4 directions (up / down / left / right)

But in both games the left analog joystick of psvita is unusable. (This happens randomly)

Serhi0 commented 5 years ago

In case it helps, theflow's minivitatv, the ds4 is perfect.

masoudr commented 5 years ago

@xerpi I tested the new version, I think it still needs some modifications to become like the old 3.60 version. Using L2 R2 is a good idea but the analogs still need some work. @Serhi0 The major problem of Minivitatv is that your vita control would stop working.

ProjektRED267 commented 5 years ago

Same goes for Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth. The left analog is working fine for the top, left and right direction but when I push it in the down direction when it should be running but it acts as if I’m pressing the down d-pad (the d-pad functions as walking for this game).

Edit: I tried using the experimental version and the down direction is working but now the north west direction of the analog is having the previous issue.

rsruggles commented 5 years ago

I'm also experiencing similar issues. I've noticed discrepancies in a few games involving the left analog, but it's most notable in Guitaroo Man, as that game literally gives me an indicator of when the left analog is receiving input.

I've tried two separate controllers both with similar results. There's no direction in particular that drops input as far as I can tell, its fairly random.

[Edit] After testing the release from the branch you posted in August, the left analog seems to be working perfectly.