xerpi / vita-udcd-uvc

PSVita UDCD USB Video Class plugin
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udcd_uvc bug that needs to be fixed #1

Open Brett13500 opened 5 years ago

Brett13500 commented 5 years ago

when ever this plugin is enabled my ps vita has a booting problem I turn my system off then reboot it an then it acts like its booting like normal an then it shuts down without saying anything, then I try again with turning it back on an then the second try the system works but gives an error message saying the ps vita system has not turned off properly would you like to send the report an gives two choices click send report or cancel, then the system works fine but sometimes the system will freeze outta no where as in if I am just not using the system but its on stand by like the screen live area is on an the screens on once in awhile as in sometimes the system will just freeze an nothing works but for some reason the system acts like its functioning fine as in the screens on but the screen will dim acting like its working if I hit a button or touch the screen It stops fading the display but the controls are non functioning an if I hit the power button like tap it the screen turns off but if I tap the power button again the system screen is still frozen an comes on but nothing is functioning still at times it will do this an at times it doesnt also another thing to is sometimes if I plug the system into my pc along with the headphone jack wire to pc to ps vita an the systems off if I turn it on the system shuts down on first booting process,

now if I try again it does the same now if I take the wires out of the system an try booting it again itll function correctly but it does the shut down on first boot process every time only the second booting process try works but at times as I said it ll be frozen an at times it works Im not sure what the issue is but maybe you should look into fixing this issue an maybe making better compatibility with plugins, this is my ps vitas config.txt file does any of these plugins not work correctly with your plugin an if not can you make a fix or a patch for this please because all my plugins work but yours, yours works but causes my ps vita to act strangely an at times makes me want to disable your plugin whats weird is if its disabled my vita works no issues when its enabled this whole issue arises an then makes my ps vita just act very strange ive tried placing your plugin in different areas on the kernel section on my config.txt like the first one an it did the same issue then I placed it in the middle to see what happens well the issue still happens then at bottom still the same then I placed it all the way to the bottom of my config.txt file an it did the same so what ever your plugin is doing it doesnt seem to want to function correctly with the plugins im using it seems so please fix this my config.txt

For users plugins, you must refresh taiHEN from HENkaku Settings for changes to take place. For kernel plugins, you must reboot for changes to take place. KERNEL ur0:tai/vitabright.skprx ur0:tai/noled.skprx ur0:tai/storagemgr.skprx ur0:tai/nonpdrm.skprx ur0:tai/nopsmdrm.skprx ur0:tai/noavls.skprx ur0:tai/repatch.skprx ur0:tai/ds3vita.skprx ur0:tai/ds4vita.skprx ux0:app/PSPEMUCFW/sce_module/adrenaline_kernel.skprx ur0:tai/kuio.skprx ur0:tai/udcd_uvc.skprx henkaku.skprx is hard-coded to load and is not listed here main ur0:tai/download_enabler.suprx ur0:tai/custom_warning_v2.suprx ur0:tai/shellsecbat.suprx ur0:tai/pngshot.suprx main is a special titleid for SceShell !PSPEMUCFW ALL ur0:tai/vsh.suprx ur0:tai/FuckPSSE.suprx ur0:tai/PSMPatch.suprx *NPXS10004 ur0:tai/sceShutterSoundPlayDisable.suprx

xerpi commented 5 years ago

Try putting storagemgr the first plugin after *KERNEL.