xescugc / webrtc-rails

WebRTC implemented with a Rails Backend and a NodeJS server for signaling
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webrtc unique user id #7

Open arjayx opened 7 years ago

arjayx commented 7 years ago

hi, my name is Robert.

I thank you for the code https://github.com/XescuGC/webrtc-rails

I can udertand more about webrtc, in internet there are few examples of rails with webrtc.

I do not know much about node, so I apologize if the question is silly. I was wondering if it is possible, to have a unique id of the user to be able to relate it with an email or user. Something like google hangup.

Thanks 😁

xescugc commented 7 years ago


I don't know exactly what you want to do but you could from the client send the email of the current client to the server and identify the socket for the client (this would be the easy way).

For more examples this stackoverflow link can help you: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10673295/socket-io-identify-user-for-socket

Hope it was helpful :)