xetys / jhipster-uaa-setup

A microservice architecture demonstrating usage of JHipster UAA
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Problems in the startup of the docker-compose #3

Open nmlemus opened 7 years ago

nmlemus commented 7 years ago

Hello, my name is Noel, I am working in the development of a microservice infrastructure using JHipster. I follow your tutotial and everything is all right in dev mode. But when I create a docker-compose the microservices are not running anymore. The same happen with you example https://github.com/xetys/jhipster-uaa-setup and the result is like the image. Can you have any solution? Regards, Noel screenshot from 2017-01-23 14-59-33

xetys commented 7 years ago

hey and sorry for the late response!

Your issue is depending on the specifications of your machine. The services are failing as their required components are not ready at the moment when they boot. Just rerun docker compose up -d

In detail: in uaa applications all microservices require the UAA to be up and running in order to fetch some infos for auth. For this, the uaa have to be registered in eureka already. If UAA is still booting up, when foo, bar and gateway asks. You can observe this error by docker log into the actual containers (e.g. docker_foo-app_1) and look for a error with "No instances of uaa found"