xfangfang / wiliwili

第三方B站客户端,目前可以运行在PC全平台、PSVita、PS4 、Xbox 和 Nintendo Switch上
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.98k stars 145 forks source link

steamdeck启动wiliwili闪退 #347

Closed hzh98 closed 1 month ago

dragonflylee commented 1 month ago

能提供一下终端中运行 flatpak run cn.xfangfang.wiliwili -d 后的运行日志吗

xfangfang commented 1 month ago


hzh98 commented 1 month ago

重启steamdeck后可以登录进wiliwili,但是我登录了waydroid后,再次开启wiliwili就失败了。wiliwili是从steamos桌面版商店里下载的。 deck@steamdeck ~)$ flatpak run cn.xfangfang.wiliwili -d 21:46:37.770[INFO] XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP: KDE 21:46:37.770[INFO] CURRENT_DESKTOP: KDE 5 21:46:37.773[INFO] wiliwili v1.4.0 21:46:37.775[INFO] Current working directory: /home/deck 21:46:37.775[INFO] setting: {"home_window_state":"0,1280x720,0x0","video_quality":16} 21:46:37.775[INFO] Load config from: /home/deck/.var/app/cn.xfangfang.wiliwili/config/wiliwili/wiliwili_config.json 21:46:37.775[INFO] Load window state: 1280x720,0x0 21:46:37.775[INFO] Set app locale: zh-Hans 21:46:37.778[ERROR] GLFW 65550: Failed to detect any supported platform 21:46:37.778[ERROR] glfw: failed to initialize 21:46:37.778[INFO] Using platform GLFW 21:46:37.779[ERROR] GLFW 65550: Failed to detect any supported platform 21:46:37.780[ERROR] Fatal error: glfw: failed to initialize terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error' what(): glfw: failed to initialize (134)(deck@steamdeck ~)$

xfangfang commented 1 month ago
