xfetus / pe

:microscope: public-engagement: Ultrasound simulator to Find a fETus with UltraSound (FETUS)
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Preparing the final run through for 30th of June. #1

Closed mxochicale closed 3 years ago

mxochicale commented 3 years ago

The latest update of slides on 9 June 2021 has been presented to Bella who kindly shared the following suggestions to be then followed by a PR.

Spencer, Bella
Wed 09/06/2021 11:29
Hi Miguel, 

Great to see your almost-ready to go workshop today. Here are some notes I took of suggested changes: 

* At the start, ask students to use the chat to give one emoji about how they're currently feeling. You could also ask them to type in what they know about the role of biomedical engineers e.g. 'What is the role of a biomedical engineer?' and let them know that it's ok to say 'nothing' or 'not a lot'. You can then ask a similar question at the end of the workshop to assess if your workshop has achieved your aim. 
* On the slide about the project team, you could mention that research is very collaborative and that you often work with people with different backgrounds and specialisms to develop new solutions and technology.
* Before introducing the guess the age of the fetus slides, give context by introducing the role of the sonographer and that they are trying to capture images of the baby to monitor their growth and detect any possible health conditions.  
* Change the first guess the age of the fetus slides to give an introduction about the growth of the baby throughout pregnancy.
* For the guess the age of the fetus activity, clearly introduce the activity then ask the students to draw a fetus' that cover a range of growth; e.g. 5 weeks, 12 weeks, 20 weeks. Ask students to show their guesses on the camera. 
* After each activity, explain the relevance/ how does the activity relate to the research? For example, the guess the age activity demonstrates how  small a fetus is and so the challenge that the sonograph faces in taking images using ultrasound and detecting abnormalities. Also shows the amazing rate of growth during development.
* Where possible, ask the students questions; e.g. Can you type in the chat any methods of medical imaging/ ways of imaging the human body that you know? Where possible, acknowledge their responses and link it to the next slide. 
* Include a slide of each imaging modality with an organ or body part of the fetus circled and ask them to guess what the body part is. Also include your current slide with all three imaging modalities to compare the image quality and what the strength/ limitations of each. 
* On the 3D imaging software, ask students to identify body parts on various layers. After this reveal the baby's 3D face and explain that by combining the each image layer you can build up a 3D representation of the body. *test the possibility of students controlling your screen remotely
* After the 3D printing section, ask the students if they have any questions about what they've heard so far. 
* Give a clear explanation of the ultrasonic needle- why do clinicians need to do this, what are the challenges, what is your solution.
* Finally, include your evaluation questions- Suggested questions: An emoji that reflects how you feel about this workshop. What do you think the role of biomedical engineer is? What was your favourite part of the workshop? What was your least favourite part of the workshop/ what do would you change about today's workshop? 

Hope this helps and I look forward to the final run through on the 30th of June.

Best wishes, 

Bella Spencer
Public Engagement Officer
mxochicale commented 3 years ago

45 minutes KHP online activity ( potentially up to 40 pupils attending!),

mxochicale commented 3 years ago

🔥 It is ready to be merged to main. I guess I will put input of the workshop in another issue for the next round of distillation :)