xfl03 / MCCustomSkinLoader

Customize Skin, Cape and Elytra in Minecraft 1.8-1.21
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Bug] Replaces Vanilla Tweaks Mob Heads #288

Open CarlMichaelFabe opened 8 months ago

CarlMichaelFabe commented 8 months ago

Describe the bug

I'm using a datapack called More Mob Heads from Vanilla Tweaks (https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/datapacks/). This datapack adds mob heads which drop with a percentage when you kill a mob. The mob head's NBT data contains the texture and the name of the mob.

When playing with CSL installed, the cow's mob head texture gets replaced (I haven't tested other mobs yet). It seems that CSL reads the name from the NBT data and uses that to replace the head's texture.

I think CSL should just ignore heads which already has a texture stored in its NBT data.

For reference, this was the NBT of the cow head in the datapack zip file:

    "function": "set_nbt",
    "tag": "{SkullOwner:{Id:[I;906227793,992953384,-1126463235,1664106940],Name:\"Cow\",Properties:{textures:[{Value:\"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjNkNjIxMTAwZmVhNTg4MzkyMmU3OGJiNDQ4MDU2NDQ4Yzk4M2UzZjk3ODQxOTQ4YTJkYTc0N2Q2YjA4YjhhYiJ9fX0=\"}]}},BlockEntityTag:{note_block_sound:\"minecraft:entity.cow.ambient\"}}"

Steps to reproduce

1. Install Vanilla Tweaks More Mob Heads
2. Get a Looting III sword and kill a bunch of cows until they drop a head.
3. The cow head texture is different from the mob texture.

Link to crash-report if applicable

No response

Link to CustomSkinLoader.log if applicable


Link to latest.log if applicable

No response

[Only Forge User] Link to Forge Log if applicable

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Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Minecraft Launcher Name and Version

No response

Mod Loader


Operating System


Before submitting a bug report

ZekerZhayard commented 8 months ago

This is the expected behavior, since only the MojangAPI type of loading reads the textures information from the NBT, so if you put MojangAPI first in the loading list it will theoretically work the way you want it to.