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Do we have all miniconf data? If not, poke organisers... #61

Closed xfxf closed 4 years ago

xfxf commented 5 years ago

Veyepar takes in LCA JSON for our schedule. Carl has confirmed the data for each of the talks is OK

The current import can be seen at: https://veyepar.nextdayvideo.com/main/C/lca/S/lca2019/

("recording sheets" link at the above, is an easy way to see if the data is OK or not, whacky data will be fairly obvious there).

Miniconfs tend to lag with their data. Looking at the schedule at https://linux.conf.au/schedule/

It appears some miniconfs don't even have data up there at the moment.

Speak to Ryan or Carl about the contact we need to poke to ensure we get the right data.

Its critical we have scedule data for all rooms we are recording before the process started (C1, C2, C3, A1, A2, A3) or it's going to hold up the entire recording process.

xfxf commented 5 years ago

Have poked organisers with specific things missing (keynotes missing metadata and are 'slots', only 2 miniconfs for Mon / 5 for Tue). Need to wait for data to be fixed then @CarlFK can reimport.