xg416 / DATUM

Official repo for the Deep Atmospheric TUrbulence Mitigation network
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Dataset-related questions #8

Open jcy512 opened 4 months ago

jcy512 commented 4 months ago

Dear authors,

I am deeply impressed by the work your laboratory has done in the area of turbulence image clarification. After reviewing some of your recent papers, I am particularly interested in the single-frame turbulence image de-turbulence technique. However, I am struggling to find a large-scale dataset for training purposes. Would it be possible for you to provide a paired single-frame turbulence image dataset from TurbNet or PiRN? We would greatly appreciate it if we could use this dataset for our research purposes.If I am able to obtain the dataset you provide for training purposes, I assure you that the dataset will only be used to train our model and will not be used for commercial purposes.

Thank you in advance for your kind consideration.

xg416 commented 2 months ago

Hi, you can take a look at the github repo of TurbNet, the dataset are public. For PiRN, Please find the turbulence simulator parameters used to generate PiRN synthetic data here at https://app.box.com/s/njcngbxvfrhy476fdjpkwmfozo71twpu. To save the noise seed, use the parameter values available in the above link over here [line].

And you can also use our ATSyn dataset for single-frame turbulence mitigation as well, the domain gap is small because the data synthesis methods are pretty similar