xggIoU / centernet_tensorflow_wilderface_voc

This is the unofficial implementation of the "CenterNet:Objects as Points".Just a simple try with self-modified shufflenetv2 and yolov3.If you want better results, you need more experiments.
MIT License
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about keypoint and #1

Closed lexuszhi1990 closed 4 years ago

lexuszhi1990 commented 5 years ago

here I have two questions:

  1. how to get or create tf record? https://github.com/xggIoU/centernet_tensorflow_wilderface_voc/blob/master/train.py#L47

  2. is there any possible to add keypoint predict func?


xggIoU commented 5 years ago

1.These days, I will update the data production after I go home. 2.In the official original implementation centernet was able to do keypoints detection, which I think is the same thing as object detection, and you can check it out