xggIoU / centernet_tensorflow_wilderface_voc

This is the unofficial implementation of the "CenterNet:Objects as Points".Just a simple try with self-modified shufflenetv2 and yolov3.If you want better results, you need more experiments.
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关于人脸检测的收敛问题 #28

Open jiashu-zhu opened 4 years ago

jiashu-zhu commented 4 years ago

感谢你分享这么优秀的工作! 我在centernet用作人脸检测的过程中发现不收敛,我的backbone是mobilenetv2,加了fpn进行了特征融合,学习率是5e-4,训140epochs 然而训了一个iter后,neg_loss非常小,只有零点几,pos_loss则比较大,有一两百,并且最后loss降到0.8左右就不降了,请问你有碰到这样的情况么?

xggIoU commented 4 years ago
