xggIoU / centernet_tensorflow_wilderface_voc

This is the unofficial implementation of the "CenterNet:Objects as Points".Just a simple try with self-modified shufflenetv2 and yolov3.If you want better results, you need more experiments.
MIT License
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关于标签问题 #7

Open yeyuxmf opened 5 years ago

yeyuxmf commented 5 years ago

感谢提供的开源实现,比源代码容易看多了,结构也很清晰。不过有点小疑问: row1 = int(center_map_int[1]) - 1 row2 = int(center_map_int[1]) + 2 col1 = int(center_map_int[0]) - 1 col2 = int(center_map_int[0]) + 2 mask_gt_batch[x, row1:row2, col1:col2] = 1.0 假设center_map_int[1] = 7, 那么mask_gt_batch[x, row1:row2, col1:col2] 这相当于在6、7、8这三个点的标签等于1,不知道为什么?不是说只是中心点为1么

xggIoU commented 5 years ago


yeyuxmf commented 5 years ago

谢谢,是我没考虑到。从另一个方面说,相邻点特征相似又有那么一点不同,既相当于增加了损失权重,又增加了网络回归点对特征的鲁棒性。还有一个疑问: mean_coco= [0.408, 0.447, 0.470] std_coco= [0.289, 0.274, 0.278] mean_voc = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] std_voc = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] 我硬是没看到这几个值的用处,官方代码也看到了,一样没看到其用在哪里干嘛了(官方代码看了会儿,太难看^-^)。

xggIoU commented 5 years ago


yeyuxmf commented 5 years ago


hanjw123 commented 5 years ago

感谢提供的开源实现,比源代码容易看多了,结构也很清晰。不过有点小疑问: row1 = int(center_map_int[1]) - 1 row2 = int(center_map_int[1]) + 2 col1 = int(center_map_int[0]) - 1 col2 = int(center_map_int[0]) + 2 mask_gt_batch[x, row1:row2, col1:col2] = 1.0 假设center_map_int[1] = 7, 那么mask_gt_batch[x, row1:row2, col1:col2] 这相当于在6、7、8这三个点的标签等于1,不知道为什么?不是说只是中心点为1么


xggIoU commented 5 years ago
