xgqfrms / svg

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SVG tada 🎉 animation effects #3

Open xgqfrms opened 3 years ago

xgqfrms commented 3 years ago

SVG tada 🎉 animation effects


SVG Animations

SVG2 & SVG11



SVG 支持 CSS3 Animation



svg symbol


<svg viewBox="0 0 80 20" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
  <!-- Our symbol in its own coordinate system -->
  <symbol id="myDot" width="10" height="10" viewBox="0 0 2 2">
    <circle cx="1" cy="1" r="1" />

   <!-- A grid to materialize our symbol positioning -->
  <path d="M0,10 h80 M10,0 v20 M25,0 v20 M40,0 v20 M55,0 v20 M70,0 v20" fill="none" stroke="pink" />

  <!-- All instances of our symbol -->
  <use xlink:href="#myDot" x="5"  y="5" style="opacity:1.0" />
  <use xlink:href="#myDot" x="20" y="5" style="opacity:0.8" />
  <use xlink:href="#myDot" x="35" y="5" style="opacity:0.6" />
  <use xlink:href="#myDot" x="50" y="5" style="opacity:0.4" />
  <use xlink:href="#myDot" x="65" y="5" style="opacity:0.2" />
xgqfrms commented 3 years ago

SVG symbol

symbol id & use xlink:href



xgqfrms commented 3 years ago

SVG symbol in Action

symbol id & use xlink:href



symbol & use

<svg viewBox="0 0 80 20" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
  <!-- Our symbol in its own coordinate system -->
  <symbol id="myDot" width="10" height="10" viewBox="0 0 2 2">
    <circle cx="1" cy="1" r="1" />

   <!-- A grid to materialize our symbol positioning -->
  <path d="M0,10 h80 M10,0 v20 M25,0 v20 M40,0 v20 M55,0 v20 M70,0 v20" fill="none" stroke="pink" />

  <!-- All instances of our symbol -->
  <use xlink:href="#myDot" x="5"  y="5" style="opacity:1.0" />
  <use xlink:href="#myDot" x="20" y="5" style="opacity:0.8" />
  <use xlink:href="#myDot" x="35" y="5" style="opacity:0.6" />
  <use xlink:href="#myDot" x="50" y="5" style="opacity:0.4" />
  <use xlink:href="#myDot" x="65" y="5" style="opacity:0.2" />



xgqfrms commented 3 years ago

SVG to symbol Converter


<svg viewBox="0 0 128 125" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="1.414">
  <path d="M63.994.152C28.66.152 0 28.806 0 64.158c0 28.272 18.336 52.26 43.768 60.726 3.2.586 4.37-1.392 4.37-3.084 0-1.52-.06-5.544-.092-10.888-17.8 3.87-21.56-8.576-21.56-8.576-2.906-7.394-7.102-9.364-7.102-9.364-5.812-3.972.44-3.888.44-3.888 6.424.452 9.8 6.592 9.8 6.592 5.712 9.784 14.984 6.96 18.63 5.32.58-4.14 2.234-6.96 4.06-8.56-14.21-1.612-29.15-7.104-29.15-31.63 0-6.984 2.494-12.7 6.588-17.172-.66-1.62-2.856-8.12.628-16.932 0 0 5.374-1.72 17.6 6.56 5.104-1.42 10.58-2.128 16.02-2.152 5.44.024 10.914.734 16.024 2.154 12.22-8.28 17.58-6.56 17.58-6.56 3.496 8.81 1.3 15.316.64 16.936 4.104 4.476 6.58 10.19 6.58 17.174 0 24.586-14.966 30-29.22 31.58 2.296 1.98 4.34 5.88 4.34 11.854 0 8.556-.076 15.46-.076 17.56 0 1.706 1.154 3.7 4.4 3.074C109.68 116.396 128 92.42 128 64.156 128 28.808 99.344.152 63.994.152z" />

symbol id & use xlink:href

<!-- Embeded svg sprite reference -->
<svg display="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
 <symbol id="icon-6a4108cc" viewBox="0 0 128 125" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="1.414" id=".9961175309825243" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
 <path d="M63.994.152C28.66.152 0 28.806 0 64.158c0 28.272 18.336 52.26 43.768 60.726 3.2.586 4.37-1.392 4.37-3.084 0-1.52-.06-5.544-.092-10.888-17.8 3.87-21.56-8.576-21.56-8.576-2.906-7.394-7.102-9.364-7.102-9.364-5.812-3.972.44-3.888.44-3.888 6.424.452 9.8 6.592 9.8 6.592 5.712 9.784 14.984 6.96 18.63 5.32.58-4.14 2.234-6.96 4.06-8.56-14.21-1.612-29.15-7.104-29.15-31.63 0-6.984 2.494-12.7 6.588-17.172-.66-1.62-2.856-8.12.628-16.932 0 0 5.374-1.72 17.6 6.56 5.104-1.42 10.58-2.128 16.02-2.152 5.44.024 10.914.734 16.024 2.154 12.22-8.28 17.58-6.56 17.58-6.56 3.496 8.81 1.3 15.316.64 16.936 4.104 4.476 6.58 10.19 6.58 17.174 0 24.586-14.966 30-29.22 31.58 2.296 1.98 4.34 5.88 4.34 11.854 0 8.556-.076 15.46-.076 17.56 0 1.706 1.154 3.7 4.4 3.074C109.68 116.396 128 92.42 128 64.156 128 28.808 99.344.152 63.994.152z"/>

<!-- Later in the code, use it... -->
<svg class="icon-6a4108cc">
 <use xlink:href="#icon-6a4108cc" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"></use>


xgqfrms commented 3 years ago
