xhcoding / emacs-aichat

AI Chat in Emacs, including OpenAI and Bing Chat
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binai-chat, binai-assisstant, and openai-chat don't work: seems to be getting bad output in curl filter data #13

Closed armindarvish closed 1 year ago

armindarvish commented 1 year ago

I am on emacs29 and macOS and have been trying to use this package and I am having issues. Basically, the only thing that works right now is openai-assistant. The other functions don't work:

bingai-chat does not return responses and get stuck on "Replying...:

Screenshot 2023-04-11 at 8 11 40 AM

I checked the debug buffer. The login seems to be working fine, the curl data filter is not:

Screenshot 2023-04-11 at 7 59 52 AM

openai-chat also gets stuck without any response:

Screenshot 2023-04-11 at 8 13 27 AM

The debug buffer again shows some weird response in curl data filter:

Screenshot 2023-04-11 at 8 16 50 AM

bingai-assistant does not open a buffer! and the curl data filter is exactly the same as bingai-chat above

xhcoding commented 1 year ago

You can choose to use url backend. I don't have macOS, so I can't reproduce the problem. I'll try to reproduce it in a virtual machine when I have time.

(setq aichat-http-backend 'url)