xhjkl / well

A command-line utility to chat with your codebase
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Crashes on large conversation #3

Open IgnisDa opened 3 weeks ago

IgnisDa commented 3 weeks ago

Hi! Really, really impressive project. I love it!

I often hit this error:


It is non-deterministic (ofc) but I am happy to provide any more details you might need to debug this error.

I also suggest adding a --verbose flag so that the exact OpenAI response is returned and we can see what went wrong when running well.

xhjkl commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, @IgnisDa! Thank you for stopping by. And I appreciate the compliment.

I'm thinking of just adding retries in the next releases, but --verbose is a very nice addition, I'll need to think it through.

IgnisDa commented 2 weeks ago

LMK when you make a release. I would like to test it.

IgnisDa commented 2 weeks ago

It seems I get this error often in large files image

The repo I am using: https://github.com/ignisda/ryot (The screenshot in the original issue is from a private repo).

xhjkl commented 2 weeks ago

Great pointer, thanks for investigating it. It is very probable that this issue is due to the chat history being too large: for now, the conversation does not get rolled up. I'll update you here once I do the rollups and the retries.

IgnisDa commented 5 days ago

@xhjkl LMK if you need help testing.