xhluca / dash-draggable

react-draggable in Python
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Feature Suggestion: Boolean Draggable Property #1

Closed SterlingButters closed 5 years ago

SterlingButters commented 5 years ago

Right, sounds funny since the whole point is to make elements draggable. However, take your usage.py for example, trying to use the select tools, etc on the graph results in moving the element too! So, if you could assign a callback to a button or something so that once the button is clicked, all or some draggable elements are locked in place. Alternatively, if you could implement an event listener for holding the alt key to drag that'd be cool too - you could link the listener to the draggable property even.

EDIT: see pull request: https://github.com/xhlulu/dash-draggable/pull/2

This gives the user ultimate freedom in designing their layout without even having to worry about styling. Great component you have here!

I would also recommend you take a look at sd-material-ui. Their Paper component works really well with draggable in order to distinguish element boundaries! Their FontIcon component could probably help in providing you with a nice handle