xhuangcv / hdr-nerf

The official implementation of CVPR 2022 paper: HDR-NeRF: High Dynamic Range Neural Radiance Fields
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Cannot reproduce the results reported in your paper #21

Closed caiyuanhao1998 closed 2 months ago

caiyuanhao1998 commented 2 months ago

Hi, thanks for your work and datasets.

I am a little confused because I cannot reproduce the HDR results reported in your paper.

By using your code, the reconstructed HDR PSNR results on the synthetic dataset is

截屏2024-04-13 上午11 48 19

But the results reported in the paper is

截屏2024-04-13 上午11 48 30

Could you please help me explain this? Thanks.

caiyuanhao1998 commented 2 months ago

it is almost 10 dB lower than the results reported in your paper

xhuangcv commented 2 months ago

你好,在计算HDR图像的PSNR的时候,我们用了论文公式14进行tone mapping,再计算PSNR。另外,用Phontomatix打开这些HDR图像是否正常?你可以用Phontomatix里面的tone mapping算法,导出LDR图像看看。

caiyuanhao1998 commented 2 months ago

进行了的,不进行根本测不了。你提供的代码中没有 HDR 图片测试的部分,我是根据你文中的描述,自己写了一段测试,发现PSNR远没有文中报的那么高

xhuangcv commented 2 months ago


caiyuanhao1998 commented 2 months ago

感谢,如果可以的话,能share一下所有scene上训好的weights吗?这样子其他人想和你对比,直接test就行,不用自己 train 一遍了。方便提升这篇文章的影响力和引用量的