I tried to translate the privacy policy text from jetstream using this syntax from vue-i18n. Is it supported in here? The component doesn't seem to exist, are there alternatives?
<i18n path="I agree to the {terms_of_service} and {privacy_policy}" tag="div" class="ml-2">
<template #terms_of_service>
<a target="_blank" :href="route('terms.show')" class="underline text-sm text-gray-600 hover:text-gray-900">{{ $t('Terms of Service') }}</a>
<template #privacy_policy>
<a target="_blank" :href="route('policy.show')" class="underline text-sm text-gray-600 hover:text-gray-900">{{ $t('Privacy Policy') }}</a>
Hello, I tried to translate the privacy policy text from jetstream using this syntax from vue-i18n. Is it supported in here? The component doesn't seem to exist, are there alternatives?