xia-lab / MetaboAnalystR

R package for MetaboAnalyst
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Failed to connect to the API Server #322

Open MujeebQadiri opened 1 month ago

MujeebQadiri commented 1 month ago


I have run the following commands (taken from the R command history from the web-tool)

mSet<-InitDataObjects("conc", "pathqea", FALSE)
mSet<-Read.TextData(mSet, "example_data.csv", "rowu", "disc");
mSet<-CrossReferencing(mSet, "name");
mSet<-Normalization(mSet, "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", ratio=FALSE, ratioNum=20)
mSet<-PlotNormSummary(mSet, "norm_1_", "png", 72, width=NA)
mSet<-PlotSampleNormSummary(mSet, "snorm_1_", "png", 72, width=NA)
mSet<-SetKEGG.PathLib(mSet, "dme", "current")
mSet<-SetMetabolomeFilter(mSet, F);
mSet<-CalculateQeaScore(mSet, "rbc", "gt")
mSet<-PlotPathSummary(mSet, F, "path_view_0_", "png", 72, width=NA, NA, NA )

I get the following error when running CalculateQeaScore(mSet, "rbc", "gt"):

> mSet<-CalculateQeaScore(mSet, "rbc", "gt")
[1] "Loaded files from MetaboAnalyst web-server."
[1] "Failed to connect to the API Server!"
[1] "Error! Pathway QEA via xialab.ca/api unsuccessful!"

Any help would be much appreciated.

CrimsonUMO commented 3 weeks ago

met the same problem and still don't know how can i do image

MujeebQadiri commented 3 weeks ago

met the same problem and still don't know how can i do image

Until they update/fix the API server, I have resorted to performing the analysis using their website. Not the fastest way to do it for multiple experiments but it works.

You may download the pathway analysis results and fine-tune the visualizations (in my case I wanted to change the axes and collect 8 different experiment results).

mdidish commented 2 weeks ago

For information, ORA using smpdb_pathway worked to generate an enrichment plot. Only KEGG pathway API is a problem.