xiangwang1223 / neural_graph_collaborative_filtering

Neural Graph Collaborative Filtering, SIGIR2019
MIT License
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How much time do you spend on generating the adj maxtrices #46

Open KimRasak opened 4 years ago

KimRasak commented 4 years ago
    def create_adj_mat(self):
        t1 = time()
        adj_mat = sp.dok_matrix((self.n_users + self.n_items, self.n_users + self.n_items), dtype=np.float32)
        adj_mat = adj_mat.tolil()
        R = self.R.tolil()

        adj_mat[:self.n_users, self.n_users:] = R
        adj_mat[self.n_users:, :self.n_users] = R.T
        adj_mat = adj_mat.todok()
        print('already create adjacency matrix', adj_mat.shape, time() - t1)

        t2 = time()

I've waited for a day and the code is still stuck at adj_mat = adj_mat.todok()