xianmin / hugo-theme-jane

A readable & concise theme for Hugo
MIT License
918 stars 285 forks source link

如何支持二级目录? #345

Open guohui666 opened 1 year ago

guohui666 commented 1 year ago



# This is a simple configuration.
# If you want to see the full configuration, please check `full-config.toml` .
# And see https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration/ .

baseURL = "https://guohuihui.gitee.io/guohui-blog"
title = "Jane - A super concise theme for Hugo"
enableRobotsTXT = true
enableEmoji = true
theme = "jane"

hasCJKLanguage = true     # has chinese/japanese/korean ? # 自动检测是否包含 中文\日文\韩文
paginate = 3              # Number of articles displayed on the homepage  # 首页每页显示的文章数
rssLimit = 20             # Limit Entry Count to Rss file # 限制 Rss 文章输出数量
disqusShortname = ""      # disqus_shortname
googleAnalytics = ""      # UA-XXXXXXXX-X
copyright = ""            # default: author.name ↓        # 默认为下面配置的author.name ↓

# language support # en / zh-cn / other... translations present in i18n/
# defaultContentLanguage = "en"           # Default language to use
# [languages.en]
#  languageCode = "en"
defaultContentLanguage = "zh-cn"  # 默认使用的语言
  languageCode = "zh-cn"

[author]                  # essential                     # 必需
  name = "xianmin"

[sitemap]                 # essential                     # 必需
  changefreq = "weekly"
  priority = 0.5
  filename = "sitemap.xml"

[[menu.main]]             # config your menu              # 配置目录
  name = "This is Home"
  weight = 10
  identifier = "home"
  pageref = "/"
  name = "Archives"
  weight = 20
  identifier = "archives"
  pageref = "/post/"
  name = "Tags"
  weight = 30
  identifier = "tags"
  pageref = "/tags/"
  name = "Categories"
  weight = 40
  identifier = "categories"
  pageref = "/categories/"
  name = "external-link"
  weight = 50
  pageref = "https://gohugo.io"

  since = "2017"            # Site creation time          # 站点建立时间
  homeFullContent = false   # if false, show post summaries on home page. Otherwise show full content.
  rssFullContent = true     # if false, Rss feed instead of the summary

  # site info (optional)                                  # 站点信息(可选,不需要的可以直接注释掉)
  logoTitle = "Jane"        # default: the title value    # 默认值: 上面设置的title值
  keywords = ["Hugo", "theme","jane"]
  description = "Hugo theme jane example site."

  # The date format to use; for a list of valid formats, see https://gohugo.io/functions/format/
  dateFormatToUse = "2006-01-02"

  # 一些全局开关,你也可以在每一篇内容的 front matter 中针对单篇内容关闭或开启某些功能,在 archetypes/default.md 查看更多信息。
  # Some global options, you can also close or open something in front matter for a single post, see more information from `archetypes/default.md`.
  toc = true                                                                            # 是否开启目录
  photoswipe = true         # see https://github.com/dimsemenov/PhotoSwipe            # 是否启用PhotoSwipe(图片可点击)
  contentCopyright = '<a rel="license noopener" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/" target="_blank">CC BY-NC-ND 4.0</a>'

  # Link custom CSS and JS assets
  #   (relative to /static/css and /static/js respectively)
  customCSS = []            # if ['custom.css'], load '/static/css/custom.css' file
  customJS = []             # if ['custom.js'], load '/static/js/custom.js' file

  # [params.social]                                         # 社交链接
    # a-email = "mailto:your@email.com"
    # b-stack-overflow = "http://localhost:1313"
    # c-twitter = "http://localhost:1313"
    # d-facebook = "http://localhost:1313"
    # e-linkedin = "http://localhost:1313"
    # f-google = "http://localhost:1313"
    # g-github = "http://localhost:1313"
    # h-weibo = "http://localhost:1313"
    # i-zhihu = "http://localhost:1313"
    # j-douban = "http://localhost:1313"
    # k-pocket = "http://localhost:1313"
    # l-tumblr = "http://localhost:1313"
    # m-instagram = "http://localhost:1313"
    # n-gitlab = "http://localhost:1313"
    # o-goodreads = "http://localhost:1313"
    # p-coding = "http://localhost:1313"
    # q-bilibili = "http://localhost:1313"
    # r-codeforces = "http://localhost:1313"
    # s-mastodon = "http://localhost:1313"
    # t-youtube = "http://localhost:1313"
    # u-twitch = "http://localhost:1313"