xiaoboCASIA / SV-X-Softmax

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There is no code files of this repo? #4

Open yangxudong opened 5 years ago

yangxudong commented 5 years ago

why this repo is empty.

tiandunx commented 5 years ago

I've already implemented SV-X-Softmax and it works fine!

LaviLiu commented 5 years ago

@tiandunx Would you like to share your code to github?

tiandunx commented 5 years ago

@Laviyy Sorry to reply late. Of course I'm willing to share my implementation.

ysc703 commented 5 years ago

@tiandunx We are waiting for you! Thanks^_^

twmht commented 5 years ago


any update?

tiandunx commented 5 years ago

Hi all, I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting. I shall release the code after ICCV. Sorry again. Thanks for keeping an eye upon this paper.

luameows commented 5 years ago

@tiandunx Would u mind tell me ur LFW accuracy? I implemented it on mnist, and the classification accuracy was not very good. As for on face recognition, the code is still running. So I cannot get the result now.

tiandunx commented 5 years ago

@luameows Sure, on LFW, I achieved 99.866% using MS only.

ysc703 commented 5 years ago

Hi all, I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting. I shall release the code after ICCV. Sorry again. Thanks for keeping an eye upon this paper.

@tiandunx After Nov 3, 2019? 😲😲😲

tiandunx commented 5 years ago

At the end of this month.

wjgaas commented 5 years ago

@tiandunx which backbone net did you use to achieve 99.866% on lfw? res-50? or attention-56?

twmht commented 5 years ago


What is the value of t you used? And what is the margin loss function you used?

tiandunx commented 5 years ago

t = 1.2, margin loss is additive margin softmax@twmht

DevilCat commented 5 years ago

At the end of this month.

Is the code able to be shared? I'll be very appreciated.

tiandunx commented 5 years ago

The code is available now.

twmht commented 5 years ago


thanks for sharing.

So you use all the default values when set is_am=True ?

def __init__(self, feat_dim, num_class, is_am, margin=0.45, mask=1.12, scale=32):

wjgaas commented 5 years ago

@tiandunx Hi, which backbone net did you use to achieve 99.866% on lfw? res-50? or attention-56?