xiaochong / zkui

Grails ZK UI Plugin
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
24 stars 8 forks source link

NetworkError : 404 Not found - static resources #118

Closed pjdvmalan closed 10 years ago

pjdvmalan commented 11 years ago


I submitted the following question on StackOverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14848615/grails-famfamfam-plugin-http-404-error.

I thought this issue may relate to the Grails Spring Code Security plugin, but looking at this post: http://code.google.com/p/zkgrails/issues/detail?id=203, makes me think that it might be a ZK issue.

Any feedback would be appreciated. We have several projects (using ZKUI) where this issue is experienced.

Thanks, Pieter Malan

xiaochong commented 11 years ago

I know this issue case by resources plugin,but it need to digging it up to fix it.

now you can try the following temporary solution:

xiaochong commented 10 years ago

fix in v0.5.7

pjdvmalan commented 10 years ago
