xiaochong / zkui

Grails ZK UI Plugin
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Cant wire pop up #70

Open hahnz opened 12 years ago

hahnz commented 12 years ago

HI XIaochong, I have a problem again with wire popup...

here's my code in gsp:

            <z:popup id="pop1" width="300px">
    <z:menuitem tooltip="save" label="${message(code:'default.button.create.label',default:'Enregister')}" id="saveButton"  image="${resource(dir:'images/skin',file:'database_save.png')}" />
    <z:menuitem tooltip="cancel" label="${message(code:'default.button.cancel.label',default:'Anuller')}"  id="cancelButton" />
    <z:menuitem label="Dupliquer" />

and here's the composer: class ListComposer { Window self Popup pop1

void onClick_cancelButton(Event e) {

and here's the error in grails

The class 'nc.mairie.pdc.usageconstruction.ListComposer' has a null instance state manager object, instance is nc.mairie.pdc.usageconstruction.ListComposer@d6245a

what did I missed?

hahnz commented 12 years ago

hmm, sorry.. I can solved this, but I got question why when i type this Window self Grid grid ListModelList listModel = new ListModelList() Paging paging Popup pop1 Textbox nom

its not error

but if I type this: Window self Popup pop1 Textbox nom Grid grid ListModelList listModel = new ListModelList() Paging paging

I got error?

xiaochong commented 12 years ago

If encountered an error 'has a null instance state manager object',you can try 'grails run-app' command to restart app.