xiaochong / zkui

Grails ZK UI Plugin
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
24 stars 8 forks source link

Linked lists with zkui Select #74

Closed velo6raptor closed 12 years ago

velo6raptor commented 12 years ago

Hi all,

Could you tell me where is the error in my code to build two linked list

first list --> categorie1 second list --> categorie2 (populate by the categorie selected value)

My gsp code

/z:row /z:row My composer Code : ``` Window self Combobox categorie1 Combobox categorie2 def afterCompose = {Component comp -> //todo initialize components here } ``` void onChange_categorie1(Event e) { def categories2 = Categorie2.where("categorie1.id = "+categorie1.selectedItem.value) ListModelList lm = new ListModelList(categories2) categorie2.setModel(lm) } When i select the categorie1, i have this message --> Cannot invoke method setModel() on null object Thanks !