xiaodoudou / PlexIPTV

This app simulate a DVR device for Plex by providing a layer to any IPTV provider (that provide a m3u8 playlist)
Apache License 2.0
193 stars 24 forks source link

filter issue #27

Open nicecube opened 5 years ago

nicecube commented 5 years ago

Hi, first i want to thanks you for this software !

Im new to ip tv and i want to filter my channel but i was not able to do it. if i add a ( or ) the filter is not working how i can escape caracter or set this channel.


EXTINF:-1 tvg-ID="I72755.labs.zap2it.com" tvg-name="TVA (FR)" tvg-logo="https://s3.amazonaws.com/ok2logo/tva.png" group-title="FRENCH",TVA (FR)