xiaohanyu / oh-my-emacs

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installation bug on mac os 10.9 #37

Closed shpeacelover closed 10 years ago

shpeacelover commented 10 years ago


This is the error message I got when I tried to use your "oh-my-emacs". I am using MAC OS 10.9 now.

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function fringe-mode)
  (fringe-mode 4)
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*-106367> nil "/Users/sun/.emacs.d/core/ome-gui.el" nil t)  ; Reading at buffer position 334
  load-with-code-conversion("/Users/sun/.emacs.d/core/ome-gui.el" "/Users/sun/.emacs.d/core/ome-gui.el" nil nil)
  load("/Users/sun/.emacs.d/core/ome-gui.el" nil nil t)
  (if header-or-tags (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- header-or-tags) header-or-tag) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq header-or-tag ($
  (let ((module-name (file-name-base module)) (file (expand-file-name (if (string-match "ome-.+.org" module) module (format "o$
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*-830434> nil "/Users/sun/.emacs.d/ome.el" nil t)  ; Reading at buffer position 6584
  load-with-code-conversion("/Users/sun/.emacs.d/ome.el" "/Users/sun/.emacs.d/ome.el" nil nil)
  load("/Users/sun/.emacs.d/ome.el" nil nil t)

Please help take a look at it.

Thanks, Steven

xiaohanyu commented 10 years ago

Hi, what's your emacs's version? Type C-h C-a to get it.

shpeacelover commented 10 years ago

GNU Emacs 24.3.1

shpeacelover commented 10 years ago

BTW, the evil is not enabled by default in MAC OS 10.9.

shpeacelover commented 10 years ago

As for the first issue I posted, here below is the error message shown to me while I start emacs for the first time.

Warning (emacs): Build command "cd doc && makeinfo flycheck.texi" in package "flycheck" will be\ shell-interpolated. To bypass shell interpolation, the recipe for "flycheck" should specify bu\ ild commands as lists of strings instead. Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading `/Users/sun/.emacs.d/init.el':

Symbol's function definition is void: fringe-mode

To ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove the cause of the error in your initialization file. Start Emacs with the `--debug-init' option to view a complete error backtrace.

Thanks, Steven

xiaohanyu commented 10 years ago

Weird. I'll check it later on a Mac OS X environment.

shpeacelover commented 10 years ago

ok, thanks.

nehalecky commented 10 years ago

Hitting the same error on OS X 10.9.2 :

Symbol's function definition is void: fringe-mode

OS X Emacs version info:

GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin13.0.0)  
xiaohanyu commented 10 years ago

@nehalecky Can't help more, I don't have a mac os environment.

I'm using Emacs 24.3.1 and Emacs 24.3.50(snapshot) in Linux mint. I checked fringe-mode by C-h f fringe-mode RET and find its definition:

fringe-mode is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `fringe.el'.

(fringe-mode &optional MODE)

Set the default appearance of fringes on all frames.
When called interactively, query the user for MODE; valid values
are `no-fringes', `default', `left-only', `right-only', `minimal'
and `half-width'.  See `fringe-styles'.

When used in a Lisp program, MODE should be one of these:
- nil, which means the default width (8 pixels).
- a cons cell (LEFT . RIGHT), where LEFT and RIGHT are
  respectively the left and right fringe widths in pixels, or
  nil (meaning to disable that fringe).
- a single integer, which specifies the pixel widths of both
This command may round up the left and right width specifications
to ensure that their sum is a multiple of the character width of
a frame.  It never rounds up a fringe width of 0.

Fringe widths set by `set-window-fringes' override the default
fringe widths set by this command.  This command applies to all
frames that exist and frames to be created in the future.  If you
want to set the default appearance of fringes on the selected
frame only, see the command `set-fringe-style'.


I think you can comment out https://github.com/xiaohanyu/oh-my-emacs/blame/master/core/ome-gui.org#L33 and try again.

rocknrollMarc commented 10 years ago

I had the same issue on mac osx 10.9.2. I solved the problem by just taking out this line, then it works and installs correctly (fringe-mode 4)

rocknrollMarc commented 10 years ago

by the way evil mode does install by default on 10.9.2.

nehalecky commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the replies! I was also able to proceed with commenting out https://github.com/xiaohanyu/oh-my-emacs/blame/master/core/ome-gui.org#L33.

@rocknrollMarc, how do I turn off evil mode via init file?

xiaohanyu commented 10 years ago

@nehalecky add a line to custom.el:

(evil-mode -1)

This will turn off evil-mode globally. If you want to turn off evil-mode locally, try (evil-local-mode -1) or M-x evil-local-mode.

rocknrollMarc commented 10 years ago

@nehalecky, took me a while but funnily enough I turned it off yesterday :) I went into the modules I dont want evil mode on and then (add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook 'turn-off-evil-mode)

nehalecky commented 10 years ago

OK, awesome. I've done all this, now hitting this error and stuck on what to do:

Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading `/Users/nehalecky/.emacs.d/init.el':

Symbol's value as variable is void: ***

Any thoughts? Again, thank you. Appreciate all of your help.

rocknrollMarc commented 10 years ago

find the spot and remove it thats what I did

rocknrollMarc commented 10 years ago

or commen it out. you need to send more as the error message is not telling me anything usefull

nehalecky commented 10 years ago

@rocknrollMarc, sure, I am sorry, I am not too familiar with emacs error messages. Running again with the --debug-init flag.

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable ***)
  byte-code("\306\307!\21\210   \210\n\210^K\210\f\210^M\210^N^H\210^N  \210^N\n\21\210^N^K\210^N\f\210^N^M\210^N^N\210^M\210^N^O\207" [*** Fatal error: The TLS connection provide pos-tip was non-properly terminated\. Server has terminated the abnormally\.] 2)
  (progn (ome-pos-tip-setup))
  eval((progn (ome-pos-tip-setup)))
  (let* ((pdir (el-get-package-directory package)) (default-directory pdir)) (eval form))
  (progn (progn (or (listp form) (signal (quote cl-assertion-failed) (list (quote (listp form))))) nil) (el-get-verbose-message "el-get: Evaluating :%s form for package %s" fname package) (let* ((pdir (el-get-package-directory package)) (default-directory pdir)) (eval form)))
  (if form (progn (progn (or (listp form) (signal (quote cl-assertion-failed) (list (quote (listp form))))) nil) (el-get-verbose-message "el-get: Evaluating :%s form for package %s" fname package) (let* ((pdir (el-get-package-directory package)) (default-directory pdir)) (eval form))))
  (let* ((form (if (equal (car-safe form) (quote quote)) (prog1 (eval form) (warn "The :%s form for package %s is quoted unnecessarily." fname package)) form)) (form (cond ((null form) nil) ((symbolp form) (prog1 (list form) (warn "The :%s form for package %s uses the old-style function form instead of a lisp form. The value should be changed from `%S' to `%S'" fname package form (list form)) (if (symbol-function form) nil (warn "The function %s, which is called in the :%s form for package %s, does not seem to be defined. Calling it will probably fail." form fname package)))) ((functionp form) (prog1 (list form) (if (and ... ...) (warn "The :%s form for package %s uses the old-style lambda form instead of a lisp form. The leading \"(lambda ()\" should be replaced with \"(progn\"." fname package) (warn "The :%s form for package %s uses the old-style function form instead of a lisp form." fname package)))) ((listp form) form) (t (error "Unknown :%s form for package %s: `%S'" fname package form))))) (if form (progn (progn (or (listp form) (signal (quote cl-assertion-failed) (list (quote ...)))) nil) (el-get-verbose-message "el-get: Evaluating :%s form for package %s" fname package) (let* ((pdir (el-get-package-directory package)) (default-directory pdir)) (eval form)))))
  el-get-run-package-support((progn (ome-pos-tip-setup)) "after" pos-tip)
  funcall(el-get-run-package-support (progn (ome-pos-tip-setup)) "after" pos-tip)
  (let ((el-get-maybe-lazy-runsupp (if lazy (function el-get-lazy-run-package-support) (function el-get-run-package-support))) (maybe-lazy-eval (if lazy (apply-partially (quote el-get-eval-after-load) package) (quote eval)))) (funcall el-get-maybe-lazy-runsupp postinit "post-init" package) (funcall maybe-lazy-eval (list (quote el-get-load-package-user-init-file) (list (quote quote) package))) (funcall el-get-maybe-lazy-runsupp after "after" package))
  (let* ((el-get-sources (el-get-package-status-recipes)) (source (el-get-read-package-status-recipe package package-status-alist)) (method (el-get-package-method source)) (loads (el-get-as-list (plist-get source :load))) (autoloads (plist-get source :autoloads)) (feats (el-get-as-list (plist-get source :features))) (el-path (el-get-as-list (el-get-load-path package))) (lazy (el-get-plist-get-with-default source :lazy el-get-is-lazy)) (prepare (plist-get source :prepare)) (before (plist-get source :before)) (postinit (plist-get source :post-init)) (after (plist-get source :after)) (pkgname (plist-get source :pkgname)) (pdir (el-get-package-directory package))) (el-get-error-unless-required-emacs-version source) (if (eq method (quote builtin)) nil (if (member method (quote (apt-get fink pacman))) nil (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- el-path) path) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq path (car --dolist-tail--)) (el-get-add-path-to-list package (quote load-path) path) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))) (el-get-install-or-init-info package (quote init))) (if el-get-byte-compile-at-init (progn (el-get-byte-compile package))) (if (eq autoloads t) nil (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- (el-get-as-list autoloads)) file) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq file (car --dolist-tail--)) (el-get-load-fast file) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))))) (el-get-run-package-support prepare "prepare" package) (el-get-run-package-support before "before" package) (if lazy nil (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- loads) file) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq file (car --dolist-tail--)) (let ((pfile ...)) (if (file-exists-p pfile) nil (error "el-get could not find file '%s'" pfile)) (el-get-verbose-message "el-get: load '%s'" pfile) (el-get-load-fast pfile)) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))) (if (eq method (quote elpa)) nil (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- feats) feat) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq feat (car --dolist-tail--)) (let (...) (el-get-verbose-message "require '%s" feature) (require feature)) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))))) (let ((el-get-maybe-lazy-runsupp (if lazy (function el-get-lazy-run-package-support) (function el-get-run-package-support))) (maybe-lazy-eval (if lazy (apply-partially (quote el-get-eval-after-load) package) (quote eval)))) (funcall el-get-maybe-lazy-runsupp postinit "post-init" package) (funcall maybe-lazy-eval (list (quote el-get-load-package-user-init-file) (list (quote quote) package))) (funcall el-get-maybe-lazy-runsupp after "after" package)))
  (condition-case err (let* ((el-get-sources (el-get-package-status-recipes)) (source (el-get-read-package-status-recipe package package-status-alist)) (method (el-get-package-method source)) (loads (el-get-as-list (plist-get source :load))) (autoloads (plist-get source :autoloads)) (feats (el-get-as-list (plist-get source :features))) (el-path (el-get-as-list (el-get-load-path package))) (lazy (el-get-plist-get-with-default source :lazy el-get-is-lazy)) (prepare (plist-get source :prepare)) (before (plist-get source :before)) (postinit (plist-get source :post-init)) (after (plist-get source :after)) (pkgname (plist-get source :pkgname)) (pdir (el-get-package-directory package))) (el-get-error-unless-required-emacs-version source) (if (eq method (quote builtin)) nil (if (member method (quote (apt-get fink pacman))) nil (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- el-path) path) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq path ...) (el-get-add-path-to-list package ... path) (setq --dolist-tail-- ...)))) (el-get-install-or-init-info package (quote init))) (if el-get-byte-compile-at-init (progn (el-get-byte-compile package))) (if (eq autoloads t) nil (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- ...) file) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq file ...) (el-get-load-fast file) (setq --dolist-tail-- ...)))))) (el-get-run-package-support prepare "prepare" package) (el-get-run-package-support before "before" package) (if lazy nil (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- loads) file) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq file (car --dolist-tail--)) (let (...) (if ... nil ...) (el-get-verbose-message "el-get: load '%s'" pfile) (el-get-load-fast pfile)) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))) (if (eq method (quote elpa)) nil (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- feats) feat) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq feat ...) (let ... ... ...) (setq --dolist-tail-- ...)))))) (let ((el-get-maybe-lazy-runsupp (if lazy (function el-get-lazy-run-package-support) (function el-get-run-package-support))) (maybe-lazy-eval (if lazy (apply-partially (quote el-get-eval-after-load) package) (quote eval)))) (funcall el-get-maybe-lazy-runsupp postinit "post-init" package) (funcall maybe-lazy-eval (list (quote el-get-load-package-user-init-file) (list (quote quote) package))) (funcall el-get-maybe-lazy-runsupp after "after" package))) (debug error (el-get-installation-failed package err)))
  (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq p (car --cl-var--)) (el-get-do-init p) (setq done (nconc done (list p))) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--)))
  (let* ((--cl-var-- init-deps) (p nil) (done nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq p (car --cl-var--)) (el-get-do-init p) (setq done (nconc done (list p))) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) nil)
  (progn (let* ((--cl-var-- init-deps) (p nil) (done nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq p (car
(let* ((p-s-alist (el-get-read-status-file)) (required (el-get-filter-package-alist-with-status p-s-alist "required")) (installed (el-get-filter-package-alist-with-status p-s-alist "installed")) (to-init (if packages (progn (let* ((--cl-var-- packages) (p nil) (--cl-var-- nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq p ...) (if ... ...) (setq --cl-var-- ...)) (nreverse --cl-var--))) (mapcar (quote el-get-as-symbol) installed))) (init-deps (el-get-dependencies to-init)) (req-inits (progn (let* ((--cl-var-- init-deps) (p nil) (--cl-var-- nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq p (car --cl-var--)) (if (member ... installed) (progn) (setq --cl-var-- ...)) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) (nreverse --cl-var--)))) (to-install (if packages (progn (let* ((--cl-var-- packages) (p nil) (--cl-var-- nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq p ...) (if ... ... ...) (setq --cl-var-- ...)) (nreverse --cl-var--))) (mapcar (quote el-get-as-symbol) required))) (install-deps (el-get-dependencies to-install)) done) (if req-inits (progn (setq install-deps (append req-inits install-deps)) (setq init-deps (set-difference init-deps req-inits)))) (el-get-verbose-message "el-get-init-and-install: install %S" install-deps) (el-get-verbose-message "el-get-init-and-install: init %S" init-deps) (progn (let* ((--cl-var-- install-deps) (p nil) (done nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq p (car --cl-var--)) (el-get-do-install p) (setq done (nconc done (list p))) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) nil)) (progn (let* ((--cl-var-- init-deps) (p nil) (done nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq p (car --cl-var--)) (el-get-do-init p) (setq done (nconc done (list p))) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) nil)) done)
  el-get-init-and-install((yasnippet popup helm auto-complete pos-tip))
  (prog1 (el-get-init-and-install (mapcar (quote el-get-as-symbol) packages)) (el-get-eval-autoloads))
  (let* ((packages (progn (let* ((--cl-var-- packages) (p nil) (--cl-var-- nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq p (car --cl-var--)) (if (listp p) (progn ...) (setq --cl-var-- ...)) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) (nreverse --cl-var--)))) (el-get-default-process-sync sync)) (if el-get-is-lazy nil (el-get-eval-autoloads)) (prog1 (el-get-init-and-install (mapcar (quote el-get-as-symbol) packages)) (el-get-eval-autoloads)))
  el-get(sync ("yasnippet" "popup" "helm" "auto-complete" "pos-tip"))
  (let ((module-name (file-name-base module)) (file (expand-file-name (if (string-match "ome-.+.org" module) module (format "ome-%s.org" module)) ome-dir))) (setq el-get-sources nil) (setq el-get-git-shallow-clone t) (if header-or-tags (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- header-or-tags) header-or-tag) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq header-or-tag (car --dolist-tail--)) (let* ((base ...) (dir ...) (partial-file ...)) (if (file-exists-p partial-file) nil (let ... ...)) (org-babel-load-file partial-file)) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))) (org-babel-load-file file)) (el-get (quote sync) (mapcar (quote el-get-source-name) el-get-sources)) (setq ome-module-packages nil) (mapcar (function (lambda (el-get-package) (add-to-list (quote ome-module-packages) (el-get-source-name el-get-package)))) el-get-sources) (add-to-list (quote ome-packages) (cons module-name ome-module-packages)))
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*-868902> nil "/Users/nehalecky/.emacs.d/ome.el" nil t)  ; Reading at buffer position 6554
  load-with-code-conversion("/Users/nehalecky/.emacs.d/ome.el" "/Users/nehalecky/.emacs.d/ome.el" nil nil)
  load("/Users/nehalecky/.emacs.d/ome.el" nil nil t)
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*> nil "/Users/nehalecky/.emacs.d/init.el" nil t)  ; Reading at buffer position 2363
  load-with-code-conversion("/Users/nehalecky/.emacs.d/init.el" "/Users/nehalecky/.emacs.d/init.el" t t)
  load("/Users/nehalecky/.emacs.d/init" t t)
  #[0 \205\262^@        \306=\203^Q^@\30\310Q\202;^@    \311=\204^^^@\30\312Q\202;^@\313\307\314\315#\203*^@\316\202;^@\313\307\314\317#\203:^@\320\nB^R\321\202;^@\316\322^S\323^A\322\211#\210^K\322=\203a^@\324\325\326\30\327Q!\"\323^A\322\211#\210^K\322=\203`^@^A^S\210^K\203\243^@\330^K!\331\232\203\243^@\332^K!\211\333P\334^A!\203}^@\211\202\210^@\334^B!\203\207^@^A\202\210^@\314\262^B^A\203\241^@\335^B^K\"\203\237^@\336\337^C^K#\210\340\341!\210^A^S\266^B\f?\205\260^@\314^]\323\342\322\211#)\262^A\207" [init-file-user system-type delayed-warnings-list user-init-file inhibit-default-init inhibit-startup-screen ms-dos "~" "/_emacs" windows-nt "/.emacs" directory-files nil "^\\.emacs\\(\\.elc?\\)?$" "~/.emacs" "^_emacs\\(\\.elc?\\)?$" (initialization "`_emacs' init file is deprecated, please use `.emacs'") "~/_emacs" t load expand-file-name "init" file-name-as-directory "/.emacs.d" file-name-extension "elc" file-name-sans-extension ".el" file-exists-p file-newer-than-file-p message "Warning: %s is newer than %s" sit-for 1 "default"] 7 "\n\n(fn)"]()
xiaohanyu commented 10 years ago

@nehalecky How about M-x ielm and then (require 'pos-tip)?

nehalecky commented 10 years ago

Hey all, I recloned the repo and repeated all the steps listed previously:

   ;; make the fringe thinner (default is 8 in pixels)
-  (fringe-mode 4)
+  ;;(fringe-mode 4)
+;; Disable evil mode
+(evil-mode -1)

and am not hitting the error any longer. I did not investigate as to what this is, but suspect it could be due to the new content added to the end of custom.el:

; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(safe-local-variable-values (quote ((eval ignore-errors "Write-contents-functions is a buffer-local alternative to before-save-hook" (add-hook (quote write-contents-functions) (lambda nil (delete-trailing-whitespace) nil)) (require (quote whitespace)) "Sometimes the mode needs to be toggled off and on." (whitespace-mode 0) (whitespace-mode 1)) (whitespace-line-column . 80) (whitespace-style face trailing lines-tail) (require-final-newline . t)))))
 ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.

Coming from vanilla Emacs, I now just need to fine some good resources on using all this new functionality.... It's all so, different :exclamation:

Thanks for all of you help, much appreciated. :)

xiaohanyu commented 10 years ago

Thanks for your feedback, really appreciate.

Recently, I'm thinking about design a new "OFFICIAL" website for oh-my-emacs, and provide prebuilt packages for direct download. For now, all users of oh-my-emacs must build it from source, due to different OS/Emacs version, different people have different problems. Providing prebuilt package is just a simple solution for this.

jefferai commented 9 years ago

Can we reopen this? Fresh emacs installation, fresh oh-my-emacs, same bug.

Yes, I'm on OSX. I realize that commenting out the line above will probably fix it, but it seems like there ought to be a better (automatic) way.

Update: after commenting out that line, I get a different error:

Symbol's function definition is void: define-fringe-bitmap

xiaohanyu commented 9 years ago

@jefferai What's your emacs's version?

jefferai commented 9 years ago

@xiaohanyu The version was 24.4 from Homebrew. However, I since tried emacs-24.4-mac-5.2 (see https://github.com/railwaycat/homebrew-emacsmacport/blob/master/Formula/emacs-mac.rb) and it doesn't seem to have this problem. I could use some confirmation though, in case something else in my setup changed while I was trying to get past these errors.

ghost commented 9 years ago

issue is the same on my gentoo setup, probably has to do with how emacs was compiled