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经济学人外刊精读|《人间便利店》:“正常”意味着什么? #2

Open xiaohao890809 opened 1 year ago

xiaohao890809 commented 1 year ago


xiaohao890809 commented 1 year ago


xiaohao890809 commented 1 year ago

Readers in the West are embracing Japan’s bold women authors 西方读者正在接受无畏的日本女作家

MURATA SAYAKA has long kept company with imaginary friends. She first conjured them up as a child, while enduring bullying at school and hectoring at home. Her parents forced her to practise cooking and encouraged “girlie” behaviour, thinking that would one day help attract a rich husband. “I didn’t feel like my body, my life, belonged to me,” Ms Murata (pictured) says. She dreamed of flying away, on a spaceship with her fantastical companions, to a planet where she would belong.


Throughout her fiction, Ms Murata questions what it means to be “normal” and writes sceptically about family life. Her work has struck a chord in Japan, her conservative home country. Her semi-autobiographical novel, “Convenience Store Woman”, won the prestigious Akutagawa literary prize in 2016. It has since been translated into more than 30 languages and sold over 1.5m copies.


xiaohao890809 commented 1 year ago


xiaohao890809 commented 1 year ago


xiaohao890809 commented 1 year ago

📚书不错。讲述了 36 岁单身女生惠子过着平静的生活,突然一天,新同事对她说,“你这样活着也太奇怪了吧?”她开始思考,难道自己的人生,是畸形的吗?



adj. 大胆自信的,敢于冒险的; 冒失的,鲁莽的; 明显的,轮廓突出的; 粗体的,黑体的; n. 黑体,粗体

词汇范围:CET4 / CET6 / 考研 / IELTS / TOEFL / GRE / GMAT / 商wu英语

🌰In 1960 this was a bold move. 在1960年,这是一个大胆的举动。


🌟conjure up


🌰When he closed his eyes, he could conjure up in exact colour almost every event of his life. 一闭上眼睛,他就能真真切切地回忆起他生命中几乎每一件事情。

🌟strike a chord


🌰The speaker had obviously struck a chord with his audience. 讲演者显然已引起了听众的共鸣。