If the event is monitored in the formula, then use eager evaluation and directly parse it;
Else, just ensures the args conform to the very basic syntax, and no type checking is performed at all!
Event name must appear in the sig file, though.
E.G. A (x:int) is in the sig file, but event A not occurs in the formula file.
Then in the log file, A(), A(5), A(2,3), A(hi, my)... are all accepted by Monpoly.
If the event is monitored in the formula, then use eager evaluation and directly parse it; Else, just ensures the args conform to the very basic syntax, and no type checking is performed at all!
Event name must appear in the sig file, though.
E.G. A (x:int) is in the sig file, but event A not occurs in the formula file. Then in the log file, A(), A(5), A(2,3), A(hi, my)... are all accepted by Monpoly.