xiaolai-sqlai / mobilenetv3

mobilenetv3 with pytorch,provide pre-train model
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Validation accuracy for large model low, mistakes in model #8

Open rwightman opened 5 years ago

rwightman commented 5 years ago

As with #5, the validation accuracy for the large model is also well below the stated. I was curious because the stated result, beating the official, with 1.4m less parameters would be impressive.

I only get: Prec@1 70.788 (29.212) Prec@5 89.410 (10.590)

Several things to fix in the model:

xiaolai-sqlai commented 5 years ago

I add some tricks, some important tricks like warmup and cosine learning rate are really useful,besides, I use DALI bu Nvidia to load the model.

xiaolai-sqlai commented 5 years ago

I think the main cause is the dataloader, I will reproduce the model by dataloader in pytorch, instead of DALI.

JTzhuang commented 4 years ago


rwightman commented 4 years ago

Revisiting this. Google finally released their official version of MobileNet-V3 a few weeks ago now. It confirmed the known issues mentioned here and several more: https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/research/slim/nets/mobilenet

I have also validated my own version of MobileNet-V3 in PyTorch. I trained from scratch back in May and reproduced the paper accuracy with a standard PyTorch data loader and preprocessing configuration. With the official Tensorflow release, I realized a few small differences and have updated mine to include a Tensorflow compatble version with weights from the official version. https://github.com/rwightman/gen-efficientnet-pytorch

TKONIY commented 4 years ago

Wow, thanks a lot. I've tried to find it in official repo but I only saw mobilenetv2 at that time. You and your repo are really great help.

rebeen commented 4 years ago

I have been looking at some implementation of mobilenetv3 but I have not seen the AutoML part in the codes, how does this work with mobilenetv3

rwightman commented 4 years ago

@rebeen I have not seen a full implementation of the Mobilenetv3 AutoML search (platform aware NAS (MnasNet) + NetAdapt) that would reproduce these networks. The platform aware NAS is a reinforcement learning based method, generally those are quite expensive to run, even with constraints on the architecture.

However, there are other search algorithms and bits and pieces out there that work with the same building blocks:

rebeen commented 4 years ago

@rwightman Thank you very much for your detailed explanation. I will check the links you have provided.