xiaoxiaoflood / firefox-scripts

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StyloaiX editor does not work correctly in Firefox 122 #294

Closed srjjgm closed 1 month ago

srjjgm commented 9 months ago

1) The editor's "useful area" is narrower than the window. 2) Autocomplete suggestions are not shown. 3) Line break separates "!important", isolating the exclamation mark. Some help?

117649 commented 9 months ago

Tried fix 1 & 2, no idea about 3 yet. Replace the folder in utils.


srjjgm commented 9 months ago

It worked! Thank you very much! It seems to me that the editor separates any word that contains characters like "!", "-" or "." Maybe it's a change from version 122, I don't know. If you find a solution I will greatly appreciate it. Have a merry Christmas!

srjjgm commented 9 months ago

I found a "solution" for separating words and characters. Actually, it's just a CSS code that minimizes the problem, until the correct solution appears:

@-moz-document url-prefix("chrome://userchromejs/content/styloaix/edit") { .CodeMirror pre.CodeMirror-line > span > span:is(.cm-keyword, .cm-variable-2, .cm-number) { white-space: nowrap } }