xiaoyeye / CNNC

covolutional neural network based coexpression analysis
MIT License
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Validation set query #19

Closed elliewith closed 3 years ago

elliewith commented 3 years ago


Thanks for the code and the great paper.

In your paper you state that for TF-gene prediction you did three-fold CV, and the 38 TFs were divided into roughly equal 3 folds, (13, 13, 12). It seems like in the code the validation set the TFs are not separated out from the training but a mixture of TFs are selected from the training set. Is this how you ran the code for the results in the paper? Just checking as trying to replicate your results to then run on some of my own! Thanks

xiaoyeye commented 3 years ago

Hi, Thanks for your interest. You are correct, we did not particularly separate train and validation. Of course you can try it if you would like to.