xiaoyeye / CNNC

covolutional neural network based coexpression analysis
MIT License
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ChIP-seq peak p-value information #21

Open iriverog opened 3 years ago

iriverog commented 3 years ago


I'm very interested in using your CNNC algorithm on one of my PhD. projects - it is great! I would like to test a couple of things before doing so, and therefore I was wondering if you have some intermediate files that inform about the p-value associated to each peak for all TFs in the bone marrow-derived macrophages, dendritic cells and mESC ChIP-seqs. I guess some intermediate file like this was used to build all the gene-pairs files.

Could you provide the files with this information? Something like: TF - Gene - pvalue would be great, but a standard file containing the TF name, start and end coordinates of the peak and the p-value associated to it would also work.

Thank you very much in advance, Ines