xiaoyifang / goldendict-ng

The Next Generation GoldenDict
1.49k stars 80 forks source link

Mac ARM crashes randomly #1383

Open itkind opened 6 months ago

itkind commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug When opening some articles from the search or the full search, GD crashes

To Reproduce It is difficult to reproduce because you need the same dictionaries I have, but there is no special dictionary. It crashes with many different ones

OS and software versions

Goldendict-ng 24.01.22-LoongYear.20240122.3dddb3be Qt 6.6.1 Clang 14.0.3 (clang-1403. macos darwin 23.3.0 arm64-little_endian-lp64 Flags:USE_XAPIAN MAKE_ZIM_SUPPORT MAKE_CHINESE_CONVERSION_SUPPORT no_ffmpeg_player

itkind commented 6 months ago

Translated Report (Full Report Below)

Process: GoldenDict [80125] Path: /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/MacOS/GoldenDict Identifier: org.xiaoyifang Version: 24.01 (???) Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Parent Process: launchd [1] User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2024-01-25 21:33:27.0530 +0100 OS Version: macOS 14.3 (23D5051b) Report Version: 12 Anonymous UUID: 6027D5BA-ECCD-69E4-0335-64F6052FA8D6

Sleep/Wake UUID: 35D4309A-603E-4E10-AED5-ABBB1F543C6B

Time Awake Since Boot: 320000 seconds Time Since Wake: 17747 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread: 36 Thread (pooled)

Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000

Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 6 Abort trap: 6 Terminating Process: GoldenDict [80125]

Application Specific Information: abort() called

Thread 0:: CrBrowserMain Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201b62c ulock_wait + 8 1 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x18208770c _os_unfair_lock_lock_slow + 208 2 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x181e72b90 free_small + 156 3 QtWebEngineCore 0x11d5d4b90 0x11d160000 + 4672400 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x11d5fd21c 0x11d160000 + 4837916 5 QtWebEngineCore 0x11d5fd628 0x11d160000 + 4838952 6 QtWebEngineCore 0x12190ec74 0x11d160000 + 75164788 7 QtWebEngineCore 0x11d5d6fb4 0x11d160000 + 4681652 8 QtWebEngineCore 0x1218ffab4 0x11d160000 + 75102900 9 QtWebEngineCore 0x1218f5364 0x11d160000 + 75060068 10 QtWebEngineCore 0x1218f4dc0 0x11d160000 + 75058624 11 QtWebEngineCore 0x1218f2170 0x11d160000 + 75047280 12 QtWebEngineCore 0x1218ea494 0x11d160000 + 75015316 13 QtWebEngineCore 0x1218eaddc 0x11d160000 + 75017692 14 QtWebEngineCore 0x11f662c6c 0x11d160000 + 38808684 15 QtWebEngineCore 0x121909b60 0x11d160000 + 75144032 16 QtWebEngineCore 0x121084200 0x11d160000 + 66208256 17 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210a23a4 0x11d160000 + 66331556 18 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210a1f44 0x11d160000 + 66330436 19 QtWebEngineCore 0x11d19f968 0x11d160000 + 260456 20 QtCore 0x107823ccc QObject::event(QEvent) + 88 21 QtWidgets 0x106a10594 QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject, QEvent) + 272 22 QtWidgets 0x106a113e8 QApplication::notify(QObject, QEvent) + 504 23 QtCore 0x1077e1474 QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject, QEvent) + 292 24 QtCore 0x1077e26fc QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents(QObject, int, QThreadData*) + 1448 25 libqcocoa.dylib 0x105576cb0 0x105560000 + 93360 26 libqcocoa.dylib 0x105577d74 0x105560000 + 97652 27 CoreFoundation 0x1821379dc CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION + 28 28 CoreFoundation 0x182137970 CFRunLoopDoSource0 + 176 29 CoreFoundation 0x1821376e0 CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 244 30 CoreFoundation 0x1821362d0 CFRunLoopRun + 828 31 CoreFoundation 0x18213593c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 608 32 HIToolbox 0x18c703448 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292 33 HIToolbox 0x18c703284 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 648 34 HIToolbox 0x18c702fdc _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 76 35 AppKit 0x185914ed0 _DPSNextEvent + 660 36 AppKit 0x1860ffeec -[NSApplication(NSEventRouting) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 716 37 AppKit 0x18590837c -[NSApplication run] + 476 38 libqcocoa.dylib 0x1055758fc 0x105560000 + 88316 39 QtCore 0x1077eb160 QEventLoop::exec(QFlags) + 540 40 QtCore 0x1077e1b00 QCoreApplication::exec() + 112 41 GoldenDict 0x104f8a324 main + 5324 42 dyld 0x181cd90e0 start + 2360

Thread 1: 0 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e28 start_wqthread + 0

Thread 2: 0 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e28 start_wqthread + 0

Thread 3:: com.apple.CFSocket.private 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820249d4 select + 8 1 CoreFoundation 0x182160db4 CFSocketManager + 636 2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 3 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 4:: caulk.messenger.shared:17 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820197f0 semaphore_wait_trap + 8 1 caulk 0x18c3ff690 caulk::semaphore::timed_wait(double) + 212 2 caulk 0x18c3ff544 caulk::concurrent::details::worker_thread::run() + 36 3 caulk 0x18c3ff244 void caulk::thread_proxy<std::__1::tuple<caulk::thread::attributes, void (caulk::concurrent::details::worker_thread::)(), std::__1::tuple<caulk::concurrent::details::worker_thread>>>(void) + 96 4 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 5:: caulk.messenger.shared:high 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820197f0 semaphore_wait_trap + 8 1 caulk 0x18c3ff690 caulk::semaphore::timed_wait(double) + 212 2 caulk 0x18c3ff544 caulk::concurrent::details::worker_thread::run() + 36 3 caulk 0x18c3ff244 void caulk::thread_proxy<std::__1::tuple<caulk::thread::attributes, void (caulk::concurrent::details::worker_thread::)(), std::__1::tuple<caulk::concurrent::details::worker_thread>>>(void) + 96 4 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 6:: Thread (pooled) 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201a434 read + 8 1 QtCore 0x1077aa780 0x107760000 + 305024 2 QtCore 0x1077a01c4 QFileDevice::readData(char, long long) + 140 3 QtCore 0x1077ad184 QIODevicePrivate::read(char, long long, bool) + 580 4 GoldenDict 0x104f9e714 SplitFile::SplitFile::read(char*, long long) + 120 5 GoldenDict 0x105029d18 ZipFile::readLocalHeader(ZipFile::SplitZipFile&, ZipFile::LocalFileHeader&) + 40 6 GoldenDict 0x104f58778 IndexedZip::loadFile(unsigned int, std::1::vector<char, std::1::allocator>&) + 84 7 GoldenDict 0x104f58684 IndexedZip::loadFile(std::1::basic_string<char32_t, std::1::char_traits, std::__1::allocator> const&, std::1::vector<char, std::1::allocator>&) + 80 8 GoldenDict 0x104ea4070 0x104df0000 + 737392 9 GoldenDict 0x104dff3d8 0x104df0000 + 62424 10 QtCore 0x107957748 0x107760000 + 2062152 11 QtCore 0x1079537c4 0x107760000 + 2045892 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 7:: ThreadPoolServiceThread 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820257c8 kevent64 + 8 1 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210fd338 0x11d160000 + 66704184 2 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210fd130 0x11d160000 + 66703664 3 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210a2c60 0x11d160000 + 66333792 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210605c0 0x11d160000 + 66061760 5 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210c6dc0 0x11d160000 + 66481600 6 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ae9a0 0x11d160000 + 66382240 7 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210c6f40 0x11d160000 + 66481984 8 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210e0aa8 0x11d160000 + 66587304 9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 8:: ThreadPoolForegroundWorker 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019874 mach_msg2_trap + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18202bcf0 mach_msg2_internal + 80 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820224b0 mach_msg_overwrite + 476 3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019bf8 mach_msg + 24 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x121105e30 0x11d160000 + 66739760 5 QtWebEngineCore 0x121080b74 0x11d160000 + 66194292 6 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210b9bc4 0x11d160000 + 66427844 7 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba9b8 0x11d160000 + 66431416 8 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba410 0x11d160000 + 66429968 9 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba300 0x11d160000 + 66429696 10 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210e0aa8 0x11d160000 + 66587304 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 9:: ThreadPoolBackgroundWorker 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019874 mach_msg2_trap + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18202bcf0 mach_msg2_internal + 80 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820224b0 mach_msg_overwrite + 476 3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019bf8 mach_msg + 24 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x121105e30 0x11d160000 + 66739760 5 QtWebEngineCore 0x121080b74 0x11d160000 + 66194292 6 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210b9bc4 0x11d160000 + 66427844 7 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba9b8 0x11d160000 + 66431416 8 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba38c 0x11d160000 + 66429836 9 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba330 0x11d160000 + 66429744 10 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210e0aa8 0x11d160000 + 66587304 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 10:: Chrome_IOThread 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820257c8 kevent64 + 8 1 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210fd338 0x11d160000 + 66704184 2 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210fd130 0x11d160000 + 66703664 3 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210a2c60 0x11d160000 + 66333792 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210605c0 0x11d160000 + 66061760 5 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210c6dc0 0x11d160000 + 66481600 6 QtWebEngineCore 0x11f992130 0x11d160000 + 42148144 7 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210c6f40 0x11d160000 + 66481984 8 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210e0aa8 0x11d160000 + 66587304 9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 11:: NetworkConfigWatcher 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019874 mach_msg2_trap + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18202bcf0 mach_msg2_internal + 80 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820224b0 mach_msg_overwrite + 476 3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019bf8 mach_msg + 24 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x121105e30 0x11d160000 + 66739760 5 QtWebEngineCore 0x121080b74 0x11d160000 + 66194292 6 QtWebEngineCore 0x121080adc 0x11d160000 + 66194140 7 QtWebEngineCore 0x121031074 0x11d160000 + 65867892 8 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210a2c60 0x11d160000 + 66333792 9 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210605c0 0x11d160000 + 66061760 10 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210c6dc0 0x11d160000 + 66481600 11 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210c6f40 0x11d160000 + 66481984 12 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210e0aa8 0x11d160000 + 66587304 13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 12:: ThreadPoolForegroundWorker 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019874 mach_msg2_trap + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18202bcf0 mach_msg2_internal + 80 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820224b0 mach_msg_overwrite + 476 3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019bf8 mach_msg + 24 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x121105e30 0x11d160000 + 66739760 5 QtWebEngineCore 0x121080b74 0x11d160000 + 66194292 6 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210b9bc4 0x11d160000 + 66427844 7 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba9b8 0x11d160000 + 66431416 8 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba410 0x11d160000 + 66429968 9 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba300 0x11d160000 + 66429696 10 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210e0aa8 0x11d160000 + 66587304 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 13:: ThreadPoolForegroundWorker 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019874 mach_msg2_trap + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18202bcf0 mach_msg2_internal + 80 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820224b0 mach_msg_overwrite + 476 3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019bf8 mach_msg + 24 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x121105e30 0x11d160000 + 66739760 5 QtWebEngineCore 0x121080b74 0x11d160000 + 66194292 6 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210b9bc4 0x11d160000 + 66427844 7 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba9b8 0x11d160000 + 66431416 8 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba410 0x11d160000 + 66429968 9 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba300 0x11d160000 + 66429696 10 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210e0aa8 0x11d160000 + 66587304 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 14:: ThreadPoolForegroundWorker 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019874 mach_msg2_trap + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18202bcf0 mach_msg2_internal + 80 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820224b0 mach_msg_overwrite + 476 3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019bf8 mach_msg + 24 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x121105e30 0x11d160000 + 66739760 5 QtWebEngineCore 0x121080b74 0x11d160000 + 66194292 6 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210b9bc4 0x11d160000 + 66427844 7 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba9b8 0x11d160000 + 66431416 8 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba410 0x11d160000 + 66429968 9 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba300 0x11d160000 + 66429696 10 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210e0aa8 0x11d160000 + 66587304 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 15:: ThreadPoolForegroundWorker 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019874 mach_msg2_trap + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18202bcf0 mach_msg2_internal + 80 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820224b0 mach_msg_overwrite + 476 3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019bf8 mach_msg + 24 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x121105e30 0x11d160000 + 66739760 5 QtWebEngineCore 0x121080b74 0x11d160000 + 66194292 6 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210b9bc4 0x11d160000 + 66427844 7 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba594 0x11d160000 + 66430356 8 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba410 0x11d160000 + 66429968 9 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba300 0x11d160000 + 66429696 10 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210e0aa8 0x11d160000 + 66587304 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 16:: Chrome_InProcGpuThread 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019874 mach_msg2_trap + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18202bcf0 mach_msg2_internal + 80 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820224b0 mach_msg_overwrite + 476 3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019bf8 mach_msg + 24 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x121105e30 0x11d160000 + 66739760 5 QtWebEngineCore 0x121080b74 0x11d160000 + 66194292 6 QtWebEngineCore 0x121080adc 0x11d160000 + 66194140 7 QtWebEngineCore 0x121031074 0x11d160000 + 65867892 8 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210a2c60 0x11d160000 + 66333792 9 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210605c0 0x11d160000 + 66061760 10 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210c6dc0 0x11d160000 + 66481600 11 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210c6f40 0x11d160000 + 66481984 12 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210e0aa8 0x11d160000 + 66587304 13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 17:: Chrome_ChildIOThread 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820257c8 kevent64 + 8 1 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210fd338 0x11d160000 + 66704184 2 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210fd130 0x11d160000 + 66703664 3 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210a2c60 0x11d160000 + 66333792 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210605c0 0x11d160000 + 66061760 5 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210c6dc0 0x11d160000 + 66481600 6 QtWebEngineCore 0x1238529ec 0x11d160000 + 107948524 7 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210c6f40 0x11d160000 + 66481984 8 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210e0aa8 0x11d160000 + 66587304 9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 18:: CompositorTileWorker1 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c __psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210dffa4 0x11d160000 + 66584484 3 QtWebEngineCore 0x1230371e4 0x11d160000 + 99447268 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210e0aa8 0x11d160000 + 66587304 5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 19:: ThreadPoolSingleThreadSharedForeground0 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019874 mach_msg2_trap + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18202bcf0 mach_msg2_internal + 80 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820224b0 mach_msg_overwrite + 476 3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019bf8 mach_msg + 24 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x121105e30 0x11d160000 + 66739760 5 QtWebEngineCore 0x121080b74 0x11d160000 + 66194292 6 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210b9bc4 0x11d160000 + 66427844 7 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba594 0x11d160000 + 66430356 8 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba43c 0x11d160000 + 66430012 9 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba348 0x11d160000 + 66429768 10 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210e0aa8 0x11d160000 + 66587304 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 20:: NetworkConfigWatcher 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019874 mach_msg2_trap + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18202bcf0 mach_msg2_internal + 80 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820224b0 mach_msg_overwrite + 476 3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019bf8 mach_msg + 24 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x121105e30 0x11d160000 + 66739760 5 QtWebEngineCore 0x121080b74 0x11d160000 + 66194292 6 QtWebEngineCore 0x121080adc 0x11d160000 + 66194140 7 QtWebEngineCore 0x121031074 0x11d160000 + 65867892 8 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210a2c60 0x11d160000 + 66333792 9 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210605c0 0x11d160000 + 66061760 10 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210c6dc0 0x11d160000 + 66481600 11 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210c6f40 0x11d160000 + 66481984 12 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210e0aa8 0x11d160000 + 66587304 13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 21:: VizCompositorThread 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019874 mach_msg2_trap + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18202bcf0 mach_msg2_internal + 80 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820224b0 mach_msg_overwrite + 476 3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019bf8 mach_msg + 24 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x121105e30 0x11d160000 + 66739760 5 QtWebEngineCore 0x121080b74 0x11d160000 + 66194292 6 QtWebEngineCore 0x121031010 0x11d160000 + 65867792 7 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210a2c60 0x11d160000 + 66333792 8 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210605c0 0x11d160000 + 66061760 9 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210c6dc0 0x11d160000 + 66481600 10 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210c6f40 0x11d160000 + 66481984 11 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210e0aa8 0x11d160000 + 66587304 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 22:: Thread (pooled) 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c __psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 QtCore 0x10795d2cc 0x107760000 + 2085580 3 QtCore 0x10795d180 QWaitCondition::wait(QMutex*, QDeadlineTimer) + 108 4 QtCore 0x10795797c 0x107760000 + 2062716 5 QtCore 0x1079537c4 0x107760000 + 2045892 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 23:: Thread (pooled) 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c __psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 QtCore 0x10795d2cc 0x107760000 + 2085580 3 QtCore 0x10795d180 QWaitCondition::wait(QMutex*, QDeadlineTimer) + 108 4 QtCore 0x10795797c 0x107760000 + 2062716 5 QtCore 0x1079537c4 0x107760000 + 2045892 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 24:: Thread (pooled) 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c __psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 QtCore 0x10795d2cc 0x107760000 + 2085580 3 QtCore 0x10795d180 QWaitCondition::wait(QMutex*, QDeadlineTimer) + 108 4 QtCore 0x10795797c 0x107760000 + 2062716 5 QtCore 0x1079537c4 0x107760000 + 2045892 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 25:: Thread (pooled) 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c __psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 QtCore 0x10795d2cc 0x107760000 + 2085580 3 QtCore 0x10795d180 QWaitCondition::wait(QMutex*, QDeadlineTimer) + 108 4 QtCore 0x10795797c 0x107760000 + 2062716 5 QtCore 0x1079537c4 0x107760000 + 2045892 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 26:: Thread (pooled) 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c __psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 QtCore 0x10795d2cc 0x107760000 + 2085580 3 QtCore 0x10795d180 QWaitCondition::wait(QMutex*, QDeadlineTimer) + 108 4 QtCore 0x10795797c 0x107760000 + 2062716 5 QtCore 0x1079537c4 0x107760000 + 2045892 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 27:: Thread (pooled) 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c __psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 QtCore 0x10795d2cc 0x107760000 + 2085580 3 QtCore 0x10795d180 QWaitCondition::wait(QMutex*, QDeadlineTimer) + 108 4 QtCore 0x10795797c 0x107760000 + 2062716 5 QtCore 0x1079537c4 0x107760000 + 2045892 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 28:: Thread (pooled) 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c __psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 QtCore 0x10795d2cc 0x107760000 + 2085580 3 QtCore 0x10795d180 QWaitCondition::wait(QMutex*, QDeadlineTimer) + 108 4 QtCore 0x10795797c 0x107760000 + 2062716 5 QtCore 0x1079537c4 0x107760000 + 2045892 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 29:: Thread (pooled) 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c __psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 QtCore 0x10795d2cc 0x107760000 + 2085580 3 QtCore 0x10795d180 QWaitCondition::wait(QMutex*, QDeadlineTimer) + 108 4 QtCore 0x10795797c 0x107760000 + 2062716 5 QtCore 0x1079537c4 0x107760000 + 2045892 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 30:: Thread (pooled) 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c __psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 QtCore 0x10795d2cc 0x107760000 + 2085580 3 QtCore 0x10795d180 QWaitCondition::wait(QMutex*, QDeadlineTimer) + 108 4 QtCore 0x10795797c 0x107760000 + 2062716 5 QtCore 0x1079537c4 0x107760000 + 2045892 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 31: 0 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e28 start_wqthread + 0

Thread 32:: com.apple.NSEventThread 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019874 mach_msg2_trap + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18202bcf0 mach_msg2_internal + 80 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820224b0 mach_msg_overwrite + 476 3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019bf8 mach_msg + 24 4 CoreFoundation 0x182137b84 CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 160 5 CoreFoundation 0x18213644c CFRunLoopRun + 1208 6 CoreFoundation 0x18213593c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 608 7 AppKit 0x185a3e160 _NSEventThread + 144 8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 33:: Thread (pooled) 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c __psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 QtCore 0x10795d2cc 0x107760000 + 2085580 3 QtCore 0x10795d180 QWaitCondition::wait(QMutex*, QDeadlineTimer) + 108 4 QtCore 0x10795797c 0x107760000 + 2062716 5 QtCore 0x1079537c4 0x107760000 + 2045892 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 34:: Thread (pooled) 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c __psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 QtCore 0x10795d2cc 0x107760000 + 2085580 3 QtCore 0x10795d180 QWaitCondition::wait(QMutex*, QDeadlineTimer) + 108 4 QtCore 0x10795797c 0x107760000 + 2062716 5 QtCore 0x1079537c4 0x107760000 + 2045892 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 35:: Thread (pooled) 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201a434 read + 8 1 QtCore 0x1077aa780 0x107760000 + 305024 2 QtCore 0x1077a01c4 QFileDevice::readData(char, long long) + 140 3 QtCore 0x1077ad184 QIODevicePrivate::read(char, long long, bool) + 580 4 GoldenDict 0x104f9e714 SplitFile::SplitFile::read(char*, long long) + 120 5 GoldenDict 0x105029d18 ZipFile::readLocalHeader(ZipFile::SplitZipFile&, ZipFile::LocalFileHeader&) + 40 6 GoldenDict 0x104f58778 IndexedZip::loadFile(unsigned int, std::1::vector<char, std::1::allocator>&) + 84 7 GoldenDict 0x104f58684 IndexedZip::loadFile(std::1::basic_string<char32_t, std::1::char_traits, std::__1::allocator> const&, std::1::vector<char, std::1::allocator>&) + 80 8 GoldenDict 0x104ea4070 0x104df0000 + 737392 9 GoldenDict 0x104dff3d8 0x104df0000 + 62424 10 QtCore 0x107957748 0x107760000 + 2062152 11 QtCore 0x1079537c4 0x107760000 + 2045892 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 36 Crashed:: Thread (pooled) 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820220dc pthread_kill + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182059cc0 pthread_kill + 288 2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x181f65a40 abort + 180 3 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x181e7cb08 malloc_vreport + 908 4 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x181e9c24c malloc_zone_error + 104 5 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x181e88238 free_list_checksum_botch + 40 6 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x181e7579c small_free_list_remove_ptr_no_clear + 960 7 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x181e70d60 small_malloc_from_free_list + 528 8 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x181e704bc small_malloc_should_clear + 196 9 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x181e702ec szone_malloc_shouldclear + 128 10 libz.1.dylib 0x18e84eae8 inflateInit2 + 136 11 libz.1.dylib 0x18e8509c8 uncompress2 + 140 12 libz.1.dylib 0x18e850930 uncompress + 28 13 GoldenDict 0x104e171f0 BtreeIndexing::BtreeIndex::readNode(unsigned int, std::1::vector<char, std::1::allocator>&) + 356 14 GoldenDict 0x104e14ac0 BtreeIndexing::BtreeIndex::findChainOffsetExactOrPrefix(std::1::basic_string<char32_t, std::1::char_traits, std::1::allocator> const&, bool&, std::1::vector<char, std::1::allocator>&, unsigned int&, char const*&) + 1640 15 GoldenDict 0x104e142d8 BtreeIndexing::BtreeIndex::findArticles(std::1::basic_string<char32_t, std::1::char_traits, std::1::allocator> const&, bool, unsigned int) + 176 16 GoldenDict 0x104f58668 IndexedZip::loadFile(std::1::basic_string<char32_t, std::1::char_traits, std::__1::allocator> const&, std::1::vector<char, std::__1::allocator>&) + 52 17 GoldenDict 0x104ea4070 0x104df0000 + 737392 18 GoldenDict 0x104dff3d8 0x104df0000 + 62424 19 QtCore 0x107957748 0x107760000 + 2062152 20 QtCore 0x1079537c4 0x107760000 + 2045892 21 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 22 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 37:: Thread (pooled) 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201a434 read + 8 1 QtCore 0x1077aa780 0x107760000 + 305024 2 QtCore 0x1077a01c4 QFileDevice::readData(char, long long) + 140 3 QtCore 0x1077ad184 QIODevicePrivate::read(char, long long, bool) + 580 4 GoldenDict 0x104f9e714 SplitFile::SplitFile::read(char*, long long) + 120 5 GoldenDict 0x105029d18 ZipFile::readLocalHeader(ZipFile::SplitZipFile&, ZipFile::LocalFileHeader&) + 40 6 GoldenDict 0x104f58778 IndexedZip::loadFile(unsigned int, std::1::vector<char, std::1::allocator>&) + 84 7 GoldenDict 0x104f58684 IndexedZip::loadFile(std::1::basic_string<char32_t, std::1::char_traits, std::__1::allocator> const&, std::1::vector<char, std::1::allocator>&) + 80 8 GoldenDict 0x104ea4070 0x104df0000 + 737392 9 GoldenDict 0x104dff3d8 0x104df0000 + 62424 10 QtCore 0x107957748 0x107760000 + 2062152 11 QtCore 0x1079537c4 0x107760000 + 2045892 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 38:: Thread (pooled) 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201a434 read + 8 1 QtCore 0x1077aa780 0x107760000 + 305024 2 QtCore 0x1077a01c4 QFileDevice::readData(char, long long) + 140 3 QtCore 0x1077ad184 QIODevicePrivate::read(char, long long, bool) + 580 4 GoldenDict 0x104f9e714 SplitFile::SplitFile::read(char*, long long) + 120 5 GoldenDict 0x105029d18 ZipFile::readLocalHeader(ZipFile::SplitZipFile&, ZipFile::LocalFileHeader&) + 40 6 GoldenDict 0x104f58778 IndexedZip::loadFile(unsigned int, std::1::vector<char, std::1::allocator>&) + 84 7 GoldenDict 0x104f58684 IndexedZip::loadFile(std::1::basic_string<char32_t, std::1::char_traits, std::__1::allocator> const&, std::1::vector<char, std::1::allocator>&) + 80 8 GoldenDict 0x104ea4070 0x104df0000 + 737392 9 GoldenDict 0x104dff3d8 0x104df0000 + 62424 10 QtCore 0x107957748 0x107760000 + 2062152 11 QtCore 0x1079537c4 0x107760000 + 2045892 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 39:: Thread (pooled) 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201a434 read + 8 1 QtCore 0x1077aa780 0x107760000 + 305024 2 QtCore 0x1077a01c4 QFileDevice::readData(char, long long) + 140 3 QtCore 0x1077ad184 QIODevicePrivate::read(char, long long, bool) + 580 4 GoldenDict 0x104f9e714 SplitFile::SplitFile::read(char*, long long) + 120 5 GoldenDict 0x105029d18 ZipFile::readLocalHeader(ZipFile::SplitZipFile&, ZipFile::LocalFileHeader&) + 40 6 GoldenDict 0x104f58778 IndexedZip::loadFile(unsigned int, std::1::vector<char, std::1::allocator>&) + 84 7 GoldenDict 0x104f58684 IndexedZip::loadFile(std::1::basic_string<char32_t, std::1::char_traits, std::__1::allocator> const&, std::1::vector<char, std::1::allocator>&) + 80 8 GoldenDict 0x104ea4070 0x104df0000 + 737392 9 GoldenDict 0x104dff3d8 0x104df0000 + 62424 10 QtCore 0x107957748 0x107760000 + 2062152 11 QtCore 0x1079537c4 0x107760000 + 2045892 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 40:: NetworkService 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820257c8 kevent64 + 8 1 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210fd338 0x11d160000 + 66704184 2 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210fd130 0x11d160000 + 66703664 3 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210a2c60 0x11d160000 + 66333792 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210605c0 0x11d160000 + 66061760 5 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210c6dc0 0x11d160000 + 66481600 6 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210c6f40 0x11d160000 + 66481984 7 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210e0aa8 0x11d160000 + 66587304 8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 41:: NetworkConfigWatcher 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019874 mach_msg2_trap + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18202bcf0 mach_msg2_internal + 80 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820224b0 mach_msg_overwrite + 476 3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019bf8 mach_msg + 24 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x121105e30 0x11d160000 + 66739760 5 QtWebEngineCore 0x121080b74 0x11d160000 + 66194292 6 QtWebEngineCore 0x121080adc 0x11d160000 + 66194140 7 QtWebEngineCore 0x121031074 0x11d160000 + 65867892 8 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210a2c60 0x11d160000 + 66333792 9 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210605c0 0x11d160000 + 66061760 10 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210c6dc0 0x11d160000 + 66481600 11 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210c6f40 0x11d160000 + 66481984 12 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210e0aa8 0x11d160000 + 66587304 13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 42:: ThreadPoolSingleThreadForegroundBlocking1 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019874 mach_msg2_trap + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18202bcf0 mach_msg2_internal + 80 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820224b0 mach_msg_overwrite + 476 3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019bf8 mach_msg + 24 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x121105e30 0x11d160000 + 66739760 5 QtWebEngineCore 0x121080b74 0x11d160000 + 66194292 6 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210b9bc4 0x11d160000 + 66427844 7 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba9b8 0x11d160000 + 66431416 8 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba468 0x11d160000 + 66430056 9 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba33c 0x11d160000 + 66429756 10 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210e0aa8 0x11d160000 + 66587304 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 43:: ThreadPoolBackgroundWorker 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019874 mach_msg2_trap + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18202bcf0 mach_msg2_internal + 80 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820224b0 mach_msg_overwrite + 476 3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019bf8 mach_msg + 24 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x121105e30 0x11d160000 + 66739760 5 QtWebEngineCore 0x121080b74 0x11d160000 + 66194292 6 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210b9bc4 0x11d160000 + 66427844 7 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba594 0x11d160000 + 66430356 8 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba38c 0x11d160000 + 66429836 9 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba330 0x11d160000 + 66429744 10 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210e0aa8 0x11d160000 + 66587304 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 44:: MemoryInfra 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019874 mach_msg2_trap + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18202bcf0 mach_msg2_internal + 80 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820224b0 mach_msg_overwrite + 476 3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019bf8 mach_msg + 24 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x121105e30 0x11d160000 + 66739760 5 QtWebEngineCore 0x121080b74 0x11d160000 + 66194292 6 QtWebEngineCore 0x121080adc 0x11d160000 + 66194140 7 QtWebEngineCore 0x121031074 0x11d160000 + 65867892 8 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210a2c60 0x11d160000 + 66333792 9 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210605c0 0x11d160000 + 66061760 10 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210c6dc0 0x11d160000 + 66481600 11 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210c6f40 0x11d160000 + 66481984 12 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210e0aa8 0x11d160000 + 66587304 13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 45:: ThreadPoolSingleThreadSharedBackgroundBlocking2 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019874 mach_msg2_trap + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18202bcf0 mach_msg2_internal + 80 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1820224b0 mach_msg_overwrite + 476 3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182019bf8 mach_msg + 24 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x121105e30 0x11d160000 + 66739760 5 QtWebEngineCore 0x121080b74 0x11d160000 + 66194292 6 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210b9bc4 0x11d160000 + 66427844 7 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba594 0x11d160000 + 66430356 8 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba3b8 0x11d160000 + 66429880 9 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210ba360 0x11d160000 + 66429792 10 QtWebEngineCore 0x1210e0aa8 0x11d160000 + 66587304 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 46: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 libc++.1.dylib 0x181f814dc std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::1::unique_lock&) + 28 3 QtWebEngineCore 0x122c1f914 0x11d160000 + 95156500 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x122c20a24 0x11d160000 + 95160868 5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 47: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 libc++.1.dylib 0x181f814dc std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::1::unique_lock&) + 28 3 QtWebEngineCore 0x122c1f914 0x11d160000 + 95156500 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x122c20a24 0x11d160000 + 95160868 5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 48: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 libc++.1.dylib 0x181f814dc std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::1::unique_lock&) + 28 3 QtWebEngineCore 0x122c1f914 0x11d160000 + 95156500 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x122c20a24 0x11d160000 + 95160868 5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 49: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 libc++.1.dylib 0x181f814dc std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::1::unique_lock&) + 28 3 QtWebEngineCore 0x122c1f914 0x11d160000 + 95156500 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x122c20a24 0x11d160000 + 95160868 5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 50: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 libc++.1.dylib 0x181f814dc std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::1::unique_lock&) + 28 3 QtWebEngineCore 0x122c1f914 0x11d160000 + 95156500 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x122c20a24 0x11d160000 + 95160868 5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 51: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 libc++.1.dylib 0x181f814dc std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::1::unique_lock&) + 28 3 QtWebEngineCore 0x122c1f914 0x11d160000 + 95156500 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x122c20a24 0x11d160000 + 95160868 5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 52: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 libc++.1.dylib 0x181f814dc std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::1::unique_lock&) + 28 3 QtWebEngineCore 0x122c1f914 0x11d160000 + 95156500 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x122c20a24 0x11d160000 + 95160868 5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 53: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 libc++.1.dylib 0x181f814dc std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::1::unique_lock&) + 28 3 QtWebEngineCore 0x122c1f914 0x11d160000 + 95156500 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x122c20a24 0x11d160000 + 95160868 5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 54: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 libc++.1.dylib 0x181f814dc std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::1::unique_lock&) + 28 3 QtWebEngineCore 0x122c1f914 0x11d160000 + 95156500 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x122c20a24 0x11d160000 + 95160868 5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 55: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201d06c psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228 2 libc++.1.dylib 0x181f814dc std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::1::unique_lock&) + 28 3 QtWebEngineCore 0x122c1f914 0x11d160000 + 95156500 4 QtWebEngineCore 0x122c20a24 0x11d160000 + 95160868 5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 56:: Thread (pooled) 0 dyld 0x181cd52c0 dyld3::MachOFile::forEachLoadCommand(Diagnostics&, void (load_command const, bool&) block_pointer) const + 240 1 dyld 0x181d2d6a0 dyld3::MachOFile::forEachSection(void (dyld3::MachOFile::SectionInfo const&, bool, bool&) block_pointer) const + 192 2 dyld 0x181d33ae8 dyld3::MachOLoaded::findSectionContent(char const, char const, unsigned long long&, bool) const + 136 3 dyld 0x181d12868 dyld4::APIs::_dyld_find_unwind_sections(void, dyld_unwind_sections) + 296 4 libunwind.dylib 0x18e8d3684 libunwind::UnwindCursor<libunwind::LocalAddressSpace, libunwind::Registers_arm64>::setInfoBasedOnIPRegister(bool) + 140 5 libunwind.dylib 0x18e8d7da4 _Unwind_RaiseException + 428 6 libc++abi.dylib 0x18201345c __cxa_throw + 300 7 GoldenDict 0x104e2043c File::Class::open(char const) + 364 8 GoldenDict 0x104e206f4 File::Class::Class(std::1::basic_string_view<char, std::1::char_traits>, char const*) + 148 9 GoldenDict 0x104e200c8 File::loadFromFile(std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator> const&, std::1::vector<char, std::1::allocator>&) + 72 10 GoldenDict 0x104ea3c80 0x104df0000 + 736384 11 GoldenDict 0x104dff3d8 0x104df0000 + 62424 12 QtCore 0x107957748 0x107760000 + 2062152 13 QtCore 0x1079537c4 0x107760000 + 2045892 14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 15 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 57:: Thread (pooled) 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201a434 read + 8 1 QtCore 0x1077aa780 0x107760000 + 305024 2 QtCore 0x1077a01c4 QFileDevice::readData(char, long long) + 140 3 QtCore 0x1077ad184 QIODevicePrivate::read(char, long long, bool) + 580 4 GoldenDict 0x104f9e714 SplitFile::SplitFile::read(char*, long long) + 120 5 GoldenDict 0x105029d18 ZipFile::readLocalHeader(ZipFile::SplitZipFile&, ZipFile::LocalFileHeader&) + 40 6 GoldenDict 0x104f58778 IndexedZip::loadFile(unsigned int, std::1::vector<char, std::1::allocator>&) + 84 7 GoldenDict 0x104f58684 IndexedZip::loadFile(std::1::basic_string<char32_t, std::1::char_traits, std::__1::allocator> const&, std::1::vector<char, std::1::allocator>&) + 80 8 GoldenDict 0x104ea4070 0x104df0000 + 737392 9 GoldenDict 0x104dff3d8 0x104df0000 + 62424 10 QtCore 0x107957748 0x107760000 + 2062152 11 QtCore 0x1079537c4 0x107760000 + 2045892 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 58:: Thread (pooled) 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201a434 read + 8 1 QtCore 0x1077aa780 0x107760000 + 305024 2 QtCore 0x1077a01c4 QFileDevice::readData(char, long long) + 140 3 QtCore 0x1077ad184 QIODevicePrivate::read(char, long long, bool) + 580 4 GoldenDict 0x104f9e714 SplitFile::SplitFile::read(char*, long long) + 120 5 GoldenDict 0x105029d18 ZipFile::readLocalHeader(ZipFile::SplitZipFile&, ZipFile::LocalFileHeader&) + 40 6 GoldenDict 0x104f58778 IndexedZip::loadFile(unsigned int, std::1::vector<char, std::1::allocator>&) + 84 7 GoldenDict 0x104f58684 IndexedZip::loadFile(std::1::basic_string<char32_t, std::1::char_traits, std::__1::allocator> const&, std::1::vector<char, std::1::allocator>&) + 80 8 GoldenDict 0x104ea4070 0x104df0000 + 737392 9 GoldenDict 0x104dff3d8 0x104df0000 + 62424 10 QtCore 0x107957748 0x107760000 + 2062152 11 QtCore 0x1079537c4 0x107760000 + 2045892 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 59:: Thread (pooled) 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18201a434 read + 8 1 QtCore 0x1077aa780 0x107760000 + 305024 2 QtCore 0x1077a01c4 QFileDevice::readData(char, long long) + 140 3 QtCore 0x1077ad184 QIODevicePrivate::read(char, long long, bool) + 580 4 GoldenDict 0x104f9e714 SplitFile::SplitFile::read(char*, long long) + 120 5 GoldenDict 0x105029d18 ZipFile::readLocalHeader(ZipFile::SplitZipFile&, ZipFile::LocalFileHeader&) + 40 6 GoldenDict 0x104f58778 IndexedZip::loadFile(unsigned int, std::1::vector<char, std::1::allocator>&) + 84 7 GoldenDict 0x104f58684 IndexedZip::loadFile(std::1::basic_string<char32_t, std::1::char_traits, std::__1::allocator> const&, std::1::vector<char, std::1::allocator>&) + 80 8 GoldenDict 0x104ea4070 0x104df0000 + 737392 9 GoldenDict 0x104dff3d8 0x104df0000 + 62424 10 QtCore 0x107957748 0x107760000 + 2062152 11 QtCore 0x1079537c4 0x107760000 + 2045892 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18205a034 _pthread_start + 136 13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182054e3c thread_start + 8

Thread 36 crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit): x0: 0x0000000000000000 x1: 0x0000000000000000 x2: 0x0000000000000000 x3: 0x0000000000000000 x4: 0x0000000000000073 x5: 0x000000000000002e x6: 0x0000000000000001 x7: 0x000000010a794028 x8: 0xcb33c174a7392909 x9: 0xcb33c175d4529909 x10: 0x000000000000000a x11: 0x0000000000000000 x12: 0x0000000000000038 x13: 0x0000000000000020 x14: 0x0000000021fd6f74 x15: 0x00000000000000da x16: 0x0000000000000148 x17: 0x00000001e199b5f0 x18: 0x0000000000000000 x19: 0x0000000000000006 x20: 0x00000001736bb000 x21: 0x0000000000028407 x22: 0x00000001736bb0e0 x23: 0x00000001736ba840 x24: 0x0000000000000000 x25: 0x0000000000000000 x26: 0x000000016b00fc14 x27: 0x00000001736bb000 x28: 0x00000001736bb0e0 fp: 0x00000001736ba190 lr: 0x0000000182059cc0 sp: 0x00000001736ba170 pc: 0x00000001820220dc cpsr: 0x40001000 far: 0x0000000000000000 esr: 0x56000080 Address size fault

Binary Images: 0x11b5e0000 - 0x11b64bfff com.apple.AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer (1.0) /System/Library/Extensions/AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer 0x10f7c8000 - 0x10f7d7fff libqcertonlybackend.dylib () /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/PlugIns/tls/libqcertonlybackend.dylib 0x1199b4000 - 0x1199effff libqopensslbackend.dylib () <025ac2de-172b-3472-bd4b-df8deea034b2> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/PlugIns/tls/libqopensslbackend.dylib 0x10f740000 - 0x10f763fff libqsecuretransportbackend.dylib () /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/PlugIns/tls/libqsecuretransportbackend.dylib 0x10f4d8000 - 0x10f4e3fff libqsvgicon.dylib () <8a6fb71d-dd87-33c2-8877-ad4ea4428b27> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/PlugIns/iconengines/libqsvgicon.dylib 0x11bacc000 - 0x11c8effff libffmpegmediaplugin.dylib () <2415fb1a-9b3c-3271-b701-5f64fee3d0d3> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/PlugIns/multimedia/libffmpegmediaplugin.dylib 0x10565c000 - 0x105667fff libobjc-trampolines.dylib () <39d1d8d0-6996-3bd4-8ce9-39512bb65c82> /usr/lib/libobjc-trampolines.dylib 0x107640000 - 0x107647fff libqmacjp2.dylib () <7e098357-de0e-3675-a817-e76e18854b27> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/PlugIns/imageformats/libqmacjp2.dylib 0x107628000 - 0x10762ffff libqtga.dylib () /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/PlugIns/imageformats/libqtga.dylib 0x1069e8000 - 0x1069effff libqicns.dylib () <97c73180-2713-32d9-9e4f-f3a063c42f69> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/PlugIns/imageformats/libqicns.dylib 0x105fc4000 - 0x105fcbfff libqsvg.dylib () <3ce72d44-253e-3c61-aa61-34970f1c1637> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/PlugIns/imageformats/libqsvg.dylib 0x109e48000 - 0x109ea7fff libqtiff.dylib () <4b4161e7-a4d6-38af-813b-bd75c4a1ff06> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/PlugIns/imageformats/libqtiff.dylib 0x108494000 - 0x1084fbfff libqjpeg.dylib () <91b6e374-904a-37b3-9f3a-246e385edd2e> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/PlugIns/imageformats/libqjpeg.dylib 0x105da8000 - 0x105daffff libqmacheif.dylib () <432e888a-a97a-31ae-a3e5-6fb52310d31a> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/PlugIns/imageformats/libqmacheif.dylib 0x1056a0000 - 0x1056a7fff libqico.dylib () <42fd2c34-8726-366f-afa2-57f1f3b97dac> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/PlugIns/imageformats/libqico.dylib 0x108414000 - 0x10847ffff libqwebp.dylib () <57111aa0-49a5-3cf3-a134-e3a100621a84> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/PlugIns/imageformats/libqwebp.dylib 0x105688000 - 0x10568ffff libqwbmp.dylib () <6bd2c8be-3df9-3dc0-942e-58678e927060> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/PlugIns/imageformats/libqwbmp.dylib 0x105670000 - 0x105677fff libqgif.dylib () <0b890890-1c18-3607-b6ff-80f500cfdc6a> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/PlugIns/imageformats/libqgif.dylib 0x1056c4000 - 0x1056e7fff libqmacstyle.dylib () <780df16e-448d-3b8f-8f7d-17a8221672be> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/PlugIns/styles/libqmacstyle.dylib 0x105560000 - 0x1055fbfff libqcocoa.dylib () <1c2d7484-054e-3e6b-88ad-aa9735d75d4b> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/PlugIns/platforms/libqcocoa.dylib 0x1069ac000 - 0x1069cbfff com.apple.security.csparser (3.0) <8349e35f-20c6-3332-899f-37b802eb7948> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/PlugIns/csparser.bundle/Contents/MacOS/csparser 0x1058d4000 - 0x105a17fff libxapian.30.dylib () /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/libxapian.30.dylib 0x10576c000 - 0x105773fff libvorbisfile.3.dylib () /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/libvorbisfile.3.dylib 0x1057b0000 - 0x1057d3fff libvorbis.0.dylib () <9e2d7db8-c2a0-31ba-b8a8-c00c320acc2f> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/libvorbis.0.dylib 0x105780000 - 0x105787fff libogg.0.dylib () /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/libogg.0.dylib 0x105804000 - 0x10581bfff liblzo2.2.dylib () <2f03d776-0e0b-3b94-af1f-4d98f3547fa9> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblzo2.2.dylib 0x105854000 - 0x105873fff liblzma.5.dylib () <47c29546-def4-3704-ab8c-bd45ff68c362> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblzma.5.dylib 0x105ae4000 - 0x105b4ffff libzim.9.dylib () /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/libzim.9.dylib 0x105a50000 - 0x105a77fff libeb.16.dylib () /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/libeb.16.dylib 0x105a8c000 - 0x105ac3fff libopencc.1.1.dylib () <21e21d55-a3db-3960-bae2-0460b007a8be> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/libopencc.1.1.dylib 0x105c24000 - 0x105cbbfff libhunspell-1.7.0.dylib () /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/libhunspell-1.7.0.dylib 0x105b78000 - 0x105baffff org.qt-project.QtSvg (6.6) <124c03b9-0648-3854-9c53-240496e20929> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtSvg.framework/Versions/A/QtSvg 0x105880000 - 0x105897fff org.qt-project.QtWebEngineWidgets (6.6) /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtWebEngineWidgets.framework/Versions/A/QtWebEngineWidgets 0x105dc0000 - 0x105e03fff org.qt-project.QtPrintSupport (6.6) /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtPrintSupport.framework/Versions/A/QtPrintSupport 0x106a04000 - 0x106e57fff org.qt-project.QtWidgets (6.6) /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtWidgets.framework/Versions/A/QtWidgets 0x11d160000 - 0x126f6bfff org.qt-project.QtWebEngineCore (6.6) <19c19df5-e06e-308b-9c8f-8f7995cacb3a> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtWebEngineCore.framework/Versions/A/QtWebEngineCore 0x106fbc000 - 0x10736ffff org.qt-project.QtQuick (6.6) /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtQuick.framework/Versions/A/QtQuick 0x105cd0000 - 0x105d33fff org.qt-project.QtOpenGL (6.6) <11ae2f52-9f65-3377-9617-4d3455233747> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtOpenGL.framework/Versions/A/QtOpenGL 0x105828000 - 0x10583bfff org.qt-project.QtTextToSpeech (6.6) <7679fb22-4c1a-38db-a613-7dba2008e9d1> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtTextToSpeech.framework/Versions/A/QtTextToSpeech 0x105fe0000 - 0x10606bfff org.qt-project.QtMultimedia (6.6) <3e0fb2ad-3bf1-308f-807b-8001fee6009e> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtMultimedia.framework/Versions/A/QtMultimedia 0x1060b0000 - 0x1066ebfff org.qt-project.QtGui (6.6) <1ebfeee4-4380-3c9f-aa23-89de2cafe2b8> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtGui.framework/Versions/A/QtGui 0x105bd4000 - 0x105beffff org.qt-project.QtXml (6.6) <7ec12c8f-6883-32fb-b76f-5e6ec971a9f3> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtXml.framework/Versions/A/QtXml 0x106824000 - 0x1068a7fff org.qt-project.QtQmlModels (6.6) /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtQmlModels.framework/Versions/A/QtQmlModels 0x105d68000 - 0x105d8ffff org.qt-project.QtWebChannel (6.6) /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtWebChannel.framework/Versions/A/QtWebChannel 0x107e3c000 - 0x1081e3fff org.qt-project.QtQml (6.6) /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtQml.framework/Versions/A/QtQml 0x105e34000 - 0x105f3bfff org.qt-project.QtNetwork (6.6) <022a9915-d8cb-35ab-b57c-1ed309e49038> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtNetwork.framework/Versions/A/QtNetwork 0x1068d8000 - 0x106943fff org.qt-project.QtPositioning (6.6) <8b0740cf-6c8d-379f-916e-d332c13e76f1> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtPositioning.framework/Versions/A/QtPositioning 0x105758000 - 0x10575bfff org.qt-project.QtConcurrent (6.6) <14ff7e68-3cd2-3b8c-8d9c-451f9a9b0a78> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtConcurrent.framework/Versions/A/QtConcurrent 0x107690000 - 0x10773ffff org.qt-project.QtCore5Compat (6.6) /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtCore5Compat.framework/Versions/A/QtCore5Compat 0x107760000 - 0x107bfbfff org.qt-project.QtCore (6.6) /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/A/QtCore 0x107584000 - 0x10760ffff libzstd.1.dylib () <37e0f519-759d-3074-bb1d-ef7ab2c7326e> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/libzstd.1.dylib 0x108510000 - 0x10869bfff libicui18n.73.dylib () /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/libicui18n.73.dylib 0x108770000 - 0x10889ffff libicuuc.73.dylib () <1b3a8563-e617-37ee-b943-3a1266a41e99> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/libicuuc.73.dylib 0x10a7d4000 - 0x10c663fff libicudata.73.dylib () <924ed196-193c-3ed9-b403-40f8690348f1> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/libicudata.73.dylib 0x1074e4000 - 0x10755ffff org.qt-project.QtDBus (6.6) <4ed31831-1991-3601-a462-ba0041dfc56e> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtDBus.framework/Versions/A/QtDBus 0x105f94000 - 0x105fa7fff org.qt-project.QtQuickWidgets (6.6) <5b1caaec-970b-3e44-af0a-1142f801e3a1> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtQuickWidgets.framework/Versions/A/QtQuickWidgets 0x104df0000 - 0x105237fff org.xiaoyifang (24.01) <04762ce8-8064-395b-a8f6-69b9c57364cf> /Applications/GoldenDict.app/Contents/MacOS/GoldenDict 0x182018000 - 0x182052fff libsystem_kernel.dylib () /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x182086000 - 0x18208cffb libsystem_platform.dylib () /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib 0x181e6e000 - 0x181ea4fff libsystem_malloc.dylib () /usr/lib/system/libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x1820ba000 - 0x182591fff com.apple.CoreFoundation (6.9) <6030a572-b731-3f46-b3a0-2598fbb98c9a> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x18c6d3000 - 0x18c992fff com.apple.HIToolbox (2.1.1) <5ff7650d-9dae-3f5a-b931-e477b3fd31eb> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x1858db000 - 0x186c06fff com.apple.AppKit (6.9) <20a67480-d7bf-3556-b128-8b8f2a129646> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit 0x181cd3000 - 0x181d67387 dyld () /usr/lib/dyld 0x0 - 0xffffffffffffffff ??? () <00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000> ??? 0x182053000 - 0x18205fff3 libsystem_pthread.dylib () <6b3c7e7b-8a03-3e1d-92e2-6321620b6925> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18c3fd000 - 0x18c426fff com.apple.audio.caulk (1.0) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/caulk.framework/Versions/A/caulk 0x181eef000 - 0x181f6dffb libsystem_c.dylib () <7420dbef-a5a9-3f34-a4c2-bb13c6c4584c> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib 0x18e84e000 - 0x18e85cfff libz.1.dylib () <8a52b286-8e9d-3ac8-ad67-a23fca9c2420> /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib 0x181f6e000 - 0x181ffbff7 libc++.1.dylib () /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib 0x18e8ce000 - 0x18e8d9fff libunwind.dylib () /usr/lib/system/libunwind.dylib 0x181ffc000 - 0x182017fff libc++abi.dylib () /usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib

External Modification Summary: Calls made by other processes targeting this process: task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0 Calls made by this process: task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0 Calls made by all processes on this machine: task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0

VM Region Summary: ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=1.8G resident=0K(0%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=1.8G(100%) Writable regions: Total=2.0G written=0K(0%) resident=0K(0%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=2.0G(100%)

                            VIRTUAL   REGION 

REGION TYPE SIZE COUNT (non-coalesced) =========== ======= ======= Accelerate framework 256K 2 Activity Tracing 256K 1 CG image 2304K 13 ColorSync 608K 27 CoreAnimation 880K 48 CoreGraphics 32K 2 CoreUI image data 1728K 13 Foundation 1120K 13 Kernel Alloc Once 32K 1 MALLOC 1.8G 79 MALLOC guard page 384K 24 Mach message 64K 3 OpenGL GLSL 384K 4 STACK GUARD 56.9M 60 Stack 196.5M 61 VM_ALLOCATE 6480K 44 AUTH 2143K 384 AUTH_CONST 31.4M 603 CTF 824 1 DATA 24.9M 648 DATA_CONST 39.7M 665 __DATA_DIRTY 1979K 223 FONT_DATA 4K 1 GLSLBUILTINS 5174K 1 INFO_FILTER 8 1 LINKEDIT 905.8M 58 OBJC_RO 71.2M 1 __OBJC_RW 2171K 1 __TEXT 922.6M 684 dyld private memory 272K 2 mapped file 1.0G 334 shared memory 6512K 55 =========== ======= ======= TOTAL 5.0G 4057

pcdi commented 6 months ago

Perhaps related to #1377.

xiaoyifang commented 1 week ago

try https://github.com/xiaoyifang/goldendict-ng/releases/tag/v24.05.13-alpha.318b8a15