xiaoyifang / goldendict-ng

The Next Generation GoldenDict
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tarball for linux (amd64) #1782

Closed KonstantinDjairo closed 1 month ago

KonstantinDjairo commented 1 month ago

i developed a way to generate fully portable tarball with goldendict-ng and its required libraries, it can be shipped in the same way as firefox and other bigger softwares, i think it's somehow better than using an appimage, which was done in the past.

what do you think about it? it'd be useful so that people wouldn't rely on flatpak

shenlebantongying commented 1 month ago

what do you think about it?

I think it likely contains bugs that are hard/impossible to predict and phantom. For example, supporting popular IME like ibus/fcitx is a good starting bug. Testing on Nvidia card could be a bonus.

“Fully portable” is insanely hard and time-consuming to fix related bugs. People has been working on various solutions of “Fully portable” for decades, and both chromium and Qt are pretty complex. Flakpak/Snap (somewhat a lightweight VM) is currently the most reliable approach to do such thing, despite their sandbox model sometimes causes problems (In fact, the system of your choice Guix/Nix is another solution close to perfection, but it requires lots of learning.).

Make a software available to Linux distros' registries is still the best approach for better reliability and user experience.

Anyway, feel free to demonstrate your work and prove me wrong by maybe

I see absolutely no reason not to accept such improvement if it actually works.

shenlebantongying commented 1 month ago

Good read about the fragmentation of Linux distros https://gitlab.com/probono/platformissues

Practical question:

Why Appimage blocks lots' libraries and what to do with them for creating “fully portable” whatever? https://github.com/AppImageCommunity/pkg2appimage/blob/master/excludelist

KonstantinDjairo commented 1 month ago

proof that it runs at least in void linux:

edit: screenshot deleted upon request of screenshot's original author.

edit: It worked, but with a limitation that it has to be under /.

now i need to test it on ubuntu/fedora, but i think it will run just fine, since void was a hard candidate

edit: the tarball contains all that's needed to run it , that's why it's 715mb, im gonna tweak the generation process a bit more, and when it gets more polished i'll tell you