The original code reallocates memory for string multiple times, just reuse Qt's case folding and do everything with QString, only returns std::u32string.
It is simply 10x faster.
New version is apply2
In debug build, the speed up is 10x
Unable to determine clock rate from sysctl: hw.cpufrequency: No such file or directory
This does not affect benchmark measurements, only the metadata output.
***WARNING*** Failed to set thread affinity. Estimated CPU frequency may be incorrect.
Running /Users/slbtty/src/goldendict-ng/cmake-build-debug/bcf
Run on (8 X 24 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
L1 Data 64 KiB
L1 Instruction 128 KiB
L2 Unified 4096 KiB (x8)
Load Average: 3.55, 3.72, 3.48
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
applyFolding 45889 ns 45767 ns 15304
applyFolding2 3609 ns 3602 ns 194045
The original code reallocates memory for string multiple times, just reuse Qt's case folding and do everything with QString, only returns std::u32string.
It is simply 10x faster.
New version is
In debug build, the speed up is 10x
For -O2 or similar, the factor is less than 2