Closed NinovanderMark closed 1 year ago
you can try to specify net6.0 with the -fx option, the default is net7.0, as is described in the readme file.
despite u can change this option, i am not sure if BFlat, the compiler is compatible this way, which comes with built-in net7.0 framework only. u may test it anyway. cos by specifying -fx:net6.0 only means BFlatA the wrapper will search net6.0 compatible dependencies, and it doesn't determine which fx the project will be compiled upon.
otherwise, since u want to compile ur project to native with bflat, u may multi-targeting both net6.0 & net7.0.
I've tried getting it to work by providing the -fx:net6.0
argument, but this results in a rather odd error on my side, perhaps I'm not providing the command-line argument correctly?
PS D:\Code\GitHub\ConsoleRenderer\ConsoleRenderer.Examples> bflata build .\ConsoleRenderer.Examples.csproj -fx="net6.0"
BFlatA V1.5.0.6
A wrapper/build script generator for BFlat, a native C# compiler, for recusively building .csproj file with:
- Referenced projects
- Nuget package dependencies
- Embedded resources
Before using BFlatA, you should get BFlat first at
Action :Build
BuildMode :Flat
DepositDep :Off
Target :Exe
TargetOS :windows
Output :<Default>
TargetFx :net7.0
PackageRoot :<N/A>
Home :D:\Code\GitHub\ConsoleRenderer\ConsoleRenderer.Examples
Args for BFlat :-fx=net6.0
--LIB EXCLU---------------------------
--LIB CACHE---------------------------
Parsing Project:.\ConsoleRenderer.Examples.csproj ...
Parsing Project:D:\Code\GitHub\ConsoleRenderer\ConsoleRenderer\ConsoleRenderer.csproj ...
Generating build script for:ConsoleRenderer.Examples
- Found 2 args to be passed to BFlat.
- Found 11 code files(*.cs)
Script:build.rsp written!
Building in FLAT mode:ConsoleRenderer.Examples...
- Executing build script: bflat build @build.rsp...
Error: IO_FileNotFound_FileName, D:\Code\GitHub\ConsoleRenderer\ConsoleRenderer.Examples\-fx=net6.0
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: IO_FileNotFound_FileName, D:\Code\GitHub\ConsoleRenderer\ConsoleRenderer.Examples\-fx=net6.0
IO_FileName_Name, D:\Code\GitHub\ConsoleRenderer\ConsoleRenderer.Examples\-fx=net6.0
I get a similar result when using the following command:
bflata build .\ConsoleRenderer.Examples.csproj --framework=net6.0
Building in FLAT mode:ConsoleRenderer.Examples...
- Executing build script: bflat build @build.rsp...
Error: IO_FileNotFound_FileName, D:\Code\GitHub\ConsoleRenderer\ConsoleRenderer.Examples\--framework=net6.0
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: IO_FileNotFound_FileName, D:\Code\GitHub\ConsoleRenderer\ConsoleRenderer.Examples\--framework=net6.0
IO_FileName_Name, D:\Code\GitHub\ConsoleRenderer\ConsoleRenderer.Examples\--framework=net6.0
use "-fx:net6.0" or "-fx net6.0" instead, where "=" is not recognized valid evaluation of args.
Ah, that was the issue! Thank you!
By providing the right target framework I was able to build the .NET 6 projects just fine, so it appears that problem was entirely between my chair and my keyboard.
Thanks for the help, and for this great project!
Currently Bflata requires .NET 7, which is not an LTS release. Is it possible to have it support .NET 6 as well?
Providing the
argument does not have the expected result.