xibbon / LaTerminal

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Feature: add bastion support #8

Closed migueldeicaza closed 1 year ago

migueldeicaza commented 1 year ago

From: https://twitter.com/tcannonfodder/status/1572650172836114433

Question: any chance you can support Gravitational teleport or SSH bastions in general?


On SSH clients, this is possible:

Host proxy-ssh
  HostName proxy.domain.tld

Host private-ssh
  ProxyJump proxy-ssh

It would be good to be able to do this kind of config to access those private internal addresses which aren’t available outside of our network. Especially if you can do SSH agent forwarding to use single credentials.
tcannonfodder commented 1 year ago

Related: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/products/azure-bastion/

tcannonfodder commented 1 year ago

I know Teleport is a Go program; can it be compiled & embedded inside the app?

migueldeicaza commented 1 year ago

(Note: work in progress in the jump-host branch)

migueldeicaza commented 1 year ago

Jumphosts/Bastion is now supported.

To use this:

It is available on Testflight, and would love if you folks could test it:
