xibodevelopment / backupwordpress

Simple automated backups of your WordPress powered website.
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Plugin doesn't work with W3TC Object Cache enabled #1038

Open katmoody opened 8 years ago

katmoody commented 8 years ago

This seems to be an actual bug. Most people just keep object cache disabled, but this user actually depends on that cache to help his site run more quickly.

The ticket: https://app.intercom.io/a/apps/7f1l4qyq/inbox/all/conversations/1849522498

From the ticket:

With object cache enabled, the backups don't work. They act like they'll work but the page refreshed with no backup completed. With the object cache turned off, the backups worked, but ran into another issue (timing out when trying to upload to external source).

We should be able to verify and further test by setting up W3TC and object caching up on a test server? Unsure if we should work with someone with W3TC or not, but likely a call the developers can make, since they are awesome that way :smile_cat:

pdewouters commented 8 years ago

This came up not so long ago, not sure there's anything we can do. Did you suggest using WP_ALTERNATE_CRON?

katmoody commented 8 years ago

I went ahead and added a ticket to the W3TC support forum on wp.org: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/object-cache-blocks-file-backups-from-running?replies=1#post-8592321

pdewouters commented 8 years ago

Can we detect if this setting is enabled and display a warning?

willmot commented 8 years ago

@katmoody have you reproduced this locally? Do we know if it's still an issue?