xiefei2929 / ORB_SLAM3-RGBD-Inertial

RGBD-inertial mode and its ROS interface was added to ORB_SLAM3. Two ROS interfaces Mono_inertial and Stereo_inertial were provided. Modified the loading vocabulary in a faster binary way.
261 stars 51 forks source link

RGBD_Inertial mode fails on Normal.bag file #8

Open muskie82 opened 3 years ago

muskie82 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for sharing your work.

I tried to run RGB-D inertial mode on Normal.bag, but tracking fails immediately. Do you have any idea why?



ORB-SLAM3 Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Carlos Campos, Richard Elvira, Juan J. Gómez, José M.M. Montiel and Juan D. Tardós, University of Zaragoza.
ORB-SLAM2 Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Raúl Mur-Artal, José M.M. Montiel and Juan D. Tardós, University of Zaragoza.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. See LICENSE.txt.

Input sensor was set to: RGBD-Inertial

Loading ORB Vocabulary. This could take a while...
Vocabulary loaded!

Creation of new map with id: 0
Creation of new map with last KF id: 0
Seq. Name: 

Camera Parameters: 
- fx: 611.738
- fy: 610.111
- cx: 313.172
- cy: 252.256
- bf: 40
- k1: 0
- k2: 0
- p1: 0
- p2: 0
- fps: 30
- color order: RGB (ignored if grayscale)

ORB Extractor Parameters: 
- Number of Features: 1000
- Scale Levels: 8
- Scale Factor: 1.2
- Initial Fast Threshold: 20
- Minimum Fast Threshold: 7

Depth Threshold (Close/Far Points): 2.6155

Left camera to Imu Transform (Tbc): 
[0.00087480003, -0.0047406, 0.99998838, 1.30441e-05;
 -0.99996811, -0.0079460004, 0.00083709997, 0.0149225;
 0.0079418998, -0.9999572, -0.0047474001, 0.00031683501;
 0, 0, 0, 1]

IMU frequency: 500 Hz
IMU gyro noise: 0.01 rad/s/sqrt(Hz)
IMU gyro walk: 2e-05 rad/s^2/sqrt(Hz)
IMU accelerometer noise: 0.1 m/s^2/sqrt(Hz)
IMU accelerometer walk: 0.0002 m/s^3/sqrt(Hz)
last KF is empty!
not IMU meas
last KF is empty!
First KF:0; Map init KF:0
New Map created with 988 points
virtual int g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(int, bool): 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()
Fail to track local map!
IMU is not or recently initialized. Reseting active map...
LM: Active map reset recieved
LM: Active map reset, waiting...
LM: Reseting current map in Local Mapping...
LM: End reseting Local Mapping...
LM: Reset free the mutex
LM: Active map reset, Done!!!
mnFirstFrameId = 1
mnInitialFrameId = 0
15 Frames had been set to lost
last KF is empty!
not IMU meas
last KF is empty!
First KF:6; Map init KF:0
New Map created with 982 points
Fail to track local map!
IMU is not or recently initialized. Reseting active map...
LM: Active map reset recieved
LM: Active map reset, waiting...
LM: Reseting current map in Local Mapping...
LM: End reseting Local Mapping...
LM: Reset free the mutex
LM: Active map reset, Done!!!
mnFirstFrameId = 17
mnInitialFrameId = 15
24 Frames had been set to lost
last KF is empty!
not IMU meas
last KF is empty!
First KF:10; Map init KF:6
New Map created with 1003 points
Fail to track local map!
IMU is not or recently initialized. Reseting active map...
LM: Active map reset recieved
LM: Active map reset, waiting...
LM: Reseting current map in Local Mapping...
LM: End reseting Local Mapping...
LM: Reset free the mutex
LM: Active map reset, Done!!!
mnFirstFrameId = 27
mnInitialFrameId = 25
28 Frames had been set to lost
last KF is empty!
not IMU meas
last KF is empty!
First KF:13; Map init KF:10
New Map created with 998 points
virtual int g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(int, bool): 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()
virtual int g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(int, bool): 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()
virtual int g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(int, bool): 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()
virtual int g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(int, bool): 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()
virtual int g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(int, bool): 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()
virtual int g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(int, bool): 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()
Fail to track local map!
IMU is not or recently initialized. Reseting active map...
dzqiu commented 3 years ago

@muskie82 did you test it using vins-rgbd dataset?

feng899 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for sharing your work.

I tried to run RGB-D inertial mode on Normal.bag, but tracking fails immediately. Do you have any idea why?


  • rosbag play Normal.bag /camera/color/image_raw:=/rgb/image_raw /camera/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw:=/depth_to_rgb/image_raw /camera/imu:=/imu
  • rosrun ORB_SLAM3 RGBD_inertial Vocabulary/ORBvoc.bin Examples/ROS/ORB_SLAM3/Myd435i.yaml


ORB-SLAM3 Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Carlos Campos, Richard Elvira, Juan J. Gómez, José M.M. Montiel and Juan D. Tardós, University of Zaragoza.
ORB-SLAM2 Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Raúl Mur-Artal, José M.M. Montiel and Juan D. Tardós, University of Zaragoza.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. See LICENSE.txt.

Input sensor was set to: RGBD-Inertial

Loading ORB Vocabulary. This could take a while...
Vocabulary loaded!

Creation of new map with id: 0
Creation of new map with last KF id: 0
Seq. Name: 

Camera Parameters: 
- fx: 611.738
- fy: 610.111
- cx: 313.172
- cy: 252.256
- bf: 40
- k1: 0
- k2: 0
- p1: 0
- p2: 0
- fps: 30
- color order: RGB (ignored if grayscale)

ORB Extractor Parameters: 
- Number of Features: 1000
- Scale Levels: 8
- Scale Factor: 1.2
- Initial Fast Threshold: 20
- Minimum Fast Threshold: 7

Depth Threshold (Close/Far Points): 2.6155

Left camera to Imu Transform (Tbc): 
[0.00087480003, -0.0047406, 0.99998838, 1.30441e-05;
 -0.99996811, -0.0079460004, 0.00083709997, 0.0149225;
 0.0079418998, -0.9999572, -0.0047474001, 0.00031683501;
 0, 0, 0, 1]

IMU frequency: 500 Hz
IMU gyro noise: 0.01 rad/s/sqrt(Hz)
IMU gyro walk: 2e-05 rad/s^2/sqrt(Hz)
IMU accelerometer noise: 0.1 m/s^2/sqrt(Hz)
IMU accelerometer walk: 0.0002 m/s^3/sqrt(Hz)
last KF is empty!
not IMU meas
last KF is empty!
First KF:0; Map init KF:0
New Map created with 988 points
virtual int g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(int, bool): 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()
Fail to track local map!
IMU is not or recently initialized. Reseting active map...
LM: Active map reset recieved
LM: Active map reset, waiting...
LM: Reseting current map in Local Mapping...
LM: End reseting Local Mapping...
LM: Reset free the mutex
LM: Active map reset, Done!!!
mnFirstFrameId = 1
mnInitialFrameId = 0
15 Frames had been set to lost
last KF is empty!
not IMU meas
last KF is empty!
First KF:6; Map init KF:0
New Map created with 982 points
Fail to track local map!
IMU is not or recently initialized. Reseting active map...
LM: Active map reset recieved
LM: Active map reset, waiting...
LM: Reseting current map in Local Mapping...
LM: End reseting Local Mapping...
LM: Reset free the mutex
LM: Active map reset, Done!!!
mnFirstFrameId = 17
mnInitialFrameId = 15
24 Frames had been set to lost
last KF is empty!
not IMU meas
last KF is empty!
First KF:10; Map init KF:6
New Map created with 1003 points
Fail to track local map!
IMU is not or recently initialized. Reseting active map...
LM: Active map reset recieved
LM: Active map reset, waiting...
LM: Reseting current map in Local Mapping...
LM: End reseting Local Mapping...
LM: Reset free the mutex
LM: Active map reset, Done!!!
mnFirstFrameId = 27
mnInitialFrameId = 25
28 Frames had been set to lost
last KF is empty!
not IMU meas
last KF is empty!
First KF:13; Map init KF:10
New Map created with 998 points
virtual int g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(int, bool): 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()
virtual int g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(int, bool): 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()
virtual int g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(int, bool): 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()
virtual int g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(int, bool): 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()
virtual int g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(int, bool): 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()
virtual int g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(int, bool): 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()
Fail to track local map!
IMU is not or recently initialized. Reseting active map...


calmelo commented 3 years ago

Thanks for sharing your work.

I tried to run RGB-D inertial mode on Normal.bag, but tracking fails immediately. Do you have any idea why?


* ` rosbag play Normal.bag /camera/color/image_raw:=/rgb/image_raw /camera/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw:=/depth_to_rgb/image_raw /camera/imu:=/imu`

* `rosrun ORB_SLAM3 RGBD_inertial Vocabulary/ORBvoc.bin Examples/ROS/ORB_SLAM3/Myd435i.yaml`


ORB-SLAM3 Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Carlos Campos, Richard Elvira, Juan J. Gómez, José M.M. Montiel and Juan D. Tardós, University of Zaragoza.
ORB-SLAM2 Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Raúl Mur-Artal, José M.M. Montiel and Juan D. Tardós, University of Zaragoza.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. See LICENSE.txt.

Input sensor was set to: RGBD-Inertial

Loading ORB Vocabulary. This could take a while...
Vocabulary loaded!

Creation of new map with id: 0
Creation of new map with last KF id: 0
Seq. Name: 

Camera Parameters: 
- fx: 611.738
- fy: 610.111
- cx: 313.172
- cy: 252.256
- bf: 40
- k1: 0
- k2: 0
- p1: 0
- p2: 0
- fps: 30
- color order: RGB (ignored if grayscale)

ORB Extractor Parameters: 
- Number of Features: 1000
- Scale Levels: 8
- Scale Factor: 1.2
- Initial Fast Threshold: 20
- Minimum Fast Threshold: 7

Depth Threshold (Close/Far Points): 2.6155

Left camera to Imu Transform (Tbc): 
[0.00087480003, -0.0047406, 0.99998838, 1.30441e-05;
 -0.99996811, -0.0079460004, 0.00083709997, 0.0149225;
 0.0079418998, -0.9999572, -0.0047474001, 0.00031683501;
 0, 0, 0, 1]

IMU frequency: 500 Hz
IMU gyro noise: 0.01 rad/s/sqrt(Hz)
IMU gyro walk: 2e-05 rad/s^2/sqrt(Hz)
IMU accelerometer noise: 0.1 m/s^2/sqrt(Hz)
IMU accelerometer walk: 0.0002 m/s^3/sqrt(Hz)
last KF is empty!
not IMU meas
last KF is empty!
First KF:0; Map init KF:0
New Map created with 988 points
virtual int g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(int, bool): 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()
Fail to track local map!
IMU is not or recently initialized. Reseting active map...
LM: Active map reset recieved
LM: Active map reset, waiting...
LM: Reseting current map in Local Mapping...
LM: End reseting Local Mapping...
LM: Reset free the mutex
LM: Active map reset, Done!!!
mnFirstFrameId = 1
mnInitialFrameId = 0
15 Frames had been set to lost
last KF is empty!
not IMU meas
last KF is empty!
First KF:6; Map init KF:0
New Map created with 982 points
Fail to track local map!
IMU is not or recently initialized. Reseting active map...
LM: Active map reset recieved
LM: Active map reset, waiting...
LM: Reseting current map in Local Mapping...
LM: End reseting Local Mapping...
LM: Reset free the mutex
LM: Active map reset, Done!!!
mnFirstFrameId = 17
mnInitialFrameId = 15
24 Frames had been set to lost
last KF is empty!
not IMU meas
last KF is empty!
First KF:10; Map init KF:6
New Map created with 1003 points
Fail to track local map!
IMU is not or recently initialized. Reseting active map...
LM: Active map reset recieved
LM: Active map reset, waiting...
LM: Reseting current map in Local Mapping...
LM: End reseting Local Mapping...
LM: Reset free the mutex
LM: Active map reset, Done!!!
mnFirstFrameId = 27
mnInitialFrameId = 25
28 Frames had been set to lost
last KF is empty!
not IMU meas
last KF is empty!
First KF:13; Map init KF:10
New Map created with 998 points
virtual int g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(int, bool): 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()
virtual int g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(int, bool): 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()
virtual int g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(int, bool): 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()
virtual int g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(int, bool): 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()
virtual int g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(int, bool): 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()
virtual int g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(int, bool): 0 vertices to optimize, maybe forgot to call initializeOptimization()
Fail to track local map!
IMU is not or recently initialized. Reseting active map...

I think that maybe you can try to change the camera-intrinsics as VINS-RGBD.