xiezhq / ISEScan

A python pipeline to identify IS (Insertion Sequence) elements in genome and metagenome
Apache License 2.0
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ISEScan #52

Closed vilasben closed 11 months ago

vilasben commented 11 months ago

I am using ISEScan for bacterial genome

I am getting error that predict and translate genes from genome sequence into protein database using FragGeneScan program

Begin to translate genome into proteome. /Users/oliverlab/vilas_data/pacbio23/NCBI/3492/ISEScan- -s NC_012624.fna -o results/proteome/NC_012624.fna -w 0 -t illumina_5 -p 2 Using 2 threads. no. of seqs: 1 prepare gff file.. sh: awk: command not found

Similar error found in test and in our genome. Thank You Vilas

xiezhq commented 11 months ago

Hi Vilas,

The error message said there was no awk software on your computer. The awk is pre-installed on most of Linux computer. Did you run ISEScan on Linux computer?
