xieziyu / ngx-echarts

An angular (ver >= 2.x) directive for ECharts (ver >= 3.x)
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Can not get dataZoom to show up #39

Open krisklosterman opened 7 years ago

krisklosterman commented 7 years ago

I've tried all sorts of dataZoom properties but I can not get the section selector to show up at all.

My graph is a line graph and has a full days worth of data being displayed. When putting this inside the options object, it does not work.

"dataZoom": [
        "show": true,
        "realtime": true,
        "start": 65,
        "end": 100

I've tried multiple combinations of slider / inside types and nothing.

Does dataZoom work with a dataset graph? Has anyone else got dataZoom to work with a dataset?

krisklosterman commented 7 years ago

any ideas @xieziyu

xieziyu commented 7 years ago

@krisklosterman Sorry for the late response, I think you need to ask echarts team about this question.

krisklosterman commented 7 years ago

echarts team does not have an dataset attribute that is angular bound?

xieziyu commented 7 years ago

Just forget about dataset, you can directly set data in options just like the echarts official demo.

krisklosterman commented 7 years ago

I am using [dataset] to bind an angular variable to the chart. I update that variable and it shows up in the chart.

<div echarts [options]="graphOptions" [dataset]="blxAPI.graph_stats" class="echart"></div>

in the code I update blxAPI.graph_stats as new data comes in with an array of

{ name: DateValueHere, value: [DateValueHere, FloatHere]}

the options variable I use

this.graphOptions = {
      title: {
        text: 'Graph Stats Chart Test'
    legend: {
      data:['Graph Stats']
    "grid": {
      "bottom": 80
    "toolbox": {
      feature: {
          dataZoom: {
              yAxisIndex: 'none'
    "dataZoom": [
        "show": true,
        "realtime": true,
        "start": 65,
        "end": 100
      xAxis: {
          type : 'time',
      yAxis: {
          type : 'value'
      series : [
          name: 'Graph Stats',
          type: 'line'

xieziyu commented 7 years ago

[dataset] is actually putting your data into series for you. So try to not use dataset and update your graphOptions whenever blxAPI.graph_stats changes just like below:

// call updateStats where you update blxAPI.graph_stats
updateStats() {
  this.graphOptions = {
    title: {
      text: 'Graph Stats Chart Test'
    legend: {
      data: ['Graph Stats']
    "grid": {
      "bottom": 80
    "toolbox": {
      feature: {
        dataZoom: {
          yAxisIndex: 'none'
    "dataZoom": [
        "show": true,
        "realtime": true,
        "start": 65,
        "end": 100
    xAxis: {
      type: 'time',
    yAxis: {
      type: 'value'
    series: [
        name: 'Graph Stats',
        type: 'line',
        // here is your data
        data: blxAPI.graph_stats

If you still have the same issue, please ask echarts team for help.

krisklosterman commented 7 years ago

ok thanks

krisklosterman commented 6 years ago

I've copied static examples out of the echarts website and datazoom does not work.

If anyone actualy has datazoom working with NGX-ECHARTS, please let me know, but I think is broke or not functional.

sauliuni commented 6 years ago

well i used e.g. dataZoom: [ { type: 'inside', start: 50, end: 100 }, { show: true, type: 'slider', y: '90%', start: 50, end: 100 } ],

on my data, and it worked