Closed Stegadons closed 6 years ago
Well, I'm not sure I understood precisely the problem, but it shouldn't do this. Do you have a working example on a wiki ?
I sent details to example in e-mail.
Did you received my e-mail back ?
Sorry for the long delay. Replied.
Fixed by commit #5f1a594
catlist doesn't list pages in namespace.
Example: Index - outside, inside Let's say user has read permission on index pages for ns1 and ns2, and delete permission on namespace ns1: and ns2: Wiki start page lists all available namespaces
<catlist -noAddPageButton -noHead -maxDepth:2>
Output: ns1 ns2
ns1 and ns2 links to their respective outside index Index should list all pages and subnamespaces in ns
<catlist ns1: -addPageButtonEach -noHead >
, but for this user index is empty. It is possible to create new pages by using "Add a page..." button, but neither new or already existing pages are listed. When viewing with admin user (has delete permission on *) all lists are fine.