xilun / cbwin

Launch Windows programs from "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows" (WSL)
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a cmd-like behavior distinguishing between console / GUI target programs might be useful #23

Open xilun opened 7 years ago

xilun commented 7 years ago

For example in cmd "notepad" starts notepad and do not wait for its termination, while cmd waits for termination of console programs.

However, this is not trivial to implement given how Win32 processes are managed in jobs with the current policy of terminating them on exit of the initial win32 process (except with silent-breakaway:1, which is used by wstart) Basically I would probably have to check myself if the target is GUI or console (at least if the termination policy remains)

xilun commented 7 years ago

Note: an advantage in detecting GUI programs would also be that an automatic fallback to %USERPROFILE% as their cwd in case the caller is not called from DriveFs would likely not be dangerous for them.