xilun / cbwin

Launch Windows programs from "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows" (WSL)
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Can't remove cbwin from my pc #43

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago


I found and used cbwin last year in University to launch external graphical programms. However I now use the WSL which can launch GUI programms by itself so I no longer use cbwin. I tried to delete it but Windows told me I didn't have the rights to access/delete or do anything with the directory. So now I don't know what to do to remove it and I didn't found any help on Github or somewhere else. Thank you

PS : The files attached are pictures of the error message printed by Windows which can be translated by "Windows can't acceed to the peripheral, the access path or the specified file. You may not have the appropriate rights to access to the element" and what's printed in WSL.

(sry for my english)



xilun commented 6 years ago


There is absolutely nothing in cbwin that attempts to change filesystem ACLs, so the behavior you are encountering is very weird. Can you check the certificate of the executable, it should be signed by myself ("Open Source Developer, Guillaume Knispel", the CA being Certum) The SHA-256 hash should be 1576199ec83b98d8c1a1ca4bc534e03f87cc9e214432942da0f8270aeb13e4f2.

Are you using an account managed by your University? Seing your username I tend to think you are not, but if you actually are, maybe the file is not really there (but in your networked profile) but windows somehow displays it. I don't really know the details of how windows network profiles work, though, so this is a very random hypothesis.

Or maybe your NTFS filesystem is corrupted? Can you error check it?

Did you try to remove the .exe while running it? Maybe even from within WSL?

I'm slightly afraid all my ideas won't fix your problems, but I've no better ones for now.