xinehc / args_oap

ARGs-OAP: Online Analysis Pipeline for Antibiotic Resistance Genes Detection from Metagenomic Data Using an Integrated Structured ARG Database
MIT License
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A question about parameters #19

Open ZhangMin-123 opened 1 year ago

ZhangMin-123 commented 1 year ago

Dear Dr. Chen I have a question about the stage_two, could I set the parameters by myself, such as -l [length] -e [evalue] -d [identity]? best reagrds!

xinehc commented 1 year ago


you may control the sensitivity using the following parameters.

  --e FLOAT             E-value cutoff for target sequences. [1e-7]
  --id FLOAT            Identity cutoff (in percentage) for target sequences. [80]
  --qcov FLOAT          Query cover cutoff (in percentage) for target sequences. [75]
  --length INT          Aligned length cutoff (in amino acid) for target sequences. [25]