xinehc / args_oap

ARGs-OAP: Online Analysis Pipeline for Antibiotic Resistance Genes Detection from Metagenomic Data Using an Integrated Structured ARG Database
MIT License
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An error occurred while creating the database #47

Open green34567 opened 7 months ago

green34567 commented 7 months ago

hello, When I was using args_oap/3.2.4 to create a database, I was prompted to enter the file in an incorrect format. image But I was able to run the same command on another server with the same software version and input file, so I don't know what went wrong. image Input file for the former: image The input file for the latter: image I checked the size of the two input files, the number of bytes is exactly the same, I am copying directly, there should not be any difference. Looking forward to your reply

xinehc commented 7 months ago


it is likely that diamond is not properly install in this environment, can you try

diamond makedb

and see what happens?

otherwise, you may check the md5 of the two input files using

md5 your_db.fasta
green34567 commented 7 months ago

Thank you very much for your prompt response. I checked the MD5 of the file and it was not modified. 1701869899846 Then I installed diamond, but the same problem occurred fa7eec3d8f0bbb6a5fb933613fef594


it is likely that diamond is not properly install in this environment, can you try

diamond makedb

and see what happens?

otherwise, you may check the md5 of the two input files using

md5 your_db.fasta
xinehc commented 7 months ago

you may not have the write permission to the folder, try:

chmod +rwx your_db_folder

if this is not the case, can you check whether diamond makedb works?

diamond makedb --in your_db_file --db test
green34567 commented 7 months ago

you may not have the write permission to the folder, try:

chmod +rwx your_db_folder

if this is not the case, can you check whether diamond makedb works?

diamond makedb --in your_db_file --db test

None of this will work. image


xinehc commented 7 months ago

that's weird, I didn't manage to reproduce the issue.

Did you install args_oap via bioconda? Can you check whether blast has been installed in your environment? More specifically:

blastx -version
makeblastdb -in PDGs_DB.fasta -dbtype prot -out test