xingren23 / ComfyFlowApp

From comfyui workflow to web app, in seconds
GNU General Public License v3.0
492 stars 59 forks source link

How to go public? #37

Open OliviaOliveiira opened 8 months ago

OliviaOliveiira commented 8 months ago

Hey there! I've tried your app and it looks really promising! However, there're some things I don't understand. Can I go public with it? I mean, get a public link to the webapp when I run my workflow? Edit: I've made a simple workflow with ComfyUI_IPadapter_Plus and ComfyUI_Reactor and Efficiency Nodes (looks like I have to upload the nodes..?)

xingren23 commented 8 months ago

if "public link" mean anyone could access your app? this need too much GPU

currently v1.3 version, creator could publish webapp to, then others, who get your "access_key", could access your app through I am writing a document about it and will release it later.

gregorym commented 8 months ago

If i can't share the url publicly, who am I sharing it with? Also, where is the workflow running, on your server?

xingren23 commented 8 months ago

The ComfyFlowApp is set up to run right here on our local system, and it's using the local comfyui nodes. This means anyone on our local network can easily access and use it

xingren23 commented 8 months ago

Hey there! I've tried your app and it looks really promising! However, there're some things I don't understand. Can I go public with it? I mean, get a public link to the webapp when I run my workflow? Edit: I've made a simple workflow with ComfyUI_IPadapter_Plus and ComfyUI_Reactor and Efficiency Nodes (looks like I have to upload the nodes..?)

for apps that are open to the public, you gotta have some way to check who's who and manage who gets to do what. ComfyFlowApp has this neat feature where you use an access key for identity verification and permission control. Creators can hand out these keys to users, and only folks with a key can get into the web app.