xingyifei2016 / RotLieNet

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Questions about the Inplementation of Complex Conv Operation #4

Open LittleQuteSweetie opened 3 years ago

LittleQuteSweetie commented 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for sharing the code! After reading the paper and the code, I have some questions about the complex conv operation:

  1. In the forward process of ComplexConv2Deffgroup, there are these operations:

    in_rot = temporal_buckets_rot * weightNormalize2(self.wmr)
    in_abs = temporal_buckets_abs + weightNormalize1(self.wma)

    What's the purpose of these operations? To compute the values in tangent space that anchored at FM?

  2. In the forward process of ComplexConv2Deffangle, the weight norm method of out_rot is weightNormalize1: out_rot = (torch.sum(out_rot*weightNormalize1(self.weight_matrix_rot2),2)), yet the weight norm method of out_abs is weightNormalize: out_abs = torch.exp(torch.sum(out_abs*weightNormalize(self.weight_matrix_rot2,self.drop_prob),2))

Are there any theoretical explanations for the difference between these weight norm methods above?